DIY – Travel Diary (Maldives)

Last 2015 September, Kokobear and has the privilege to do our first International Travel together as a couple to Maldives. The summary and further story can be found on – ByaheNgKokobears-Maldives 2015
On this entry, I would like to share to you the DIY (Do It Yourself) art that I did for this travel! I call it Travel Log. A DIY Travel Diary – Maldives :)

So here the materials:

  1. Old certificate folders
  2. Binder Rings
  3. cut-out photos of any thing about travel /journey around the world and most especially Maldives photos
  4. Paste/Glue
  5. Scissors
  6. All memoir of the travel
  7. Maldives Photos, tickets, money etc.

So, let’s start!

Materials: hard paper – in my case I used a certifcate folder, pen, pentel pens, highlights, scissor, glue, binder ring.
Front – Top & Back View of our DIY – Travel Log/Diary – Maldives
1 – Standing Front View
2. Tickets & an official note that this is our 1st Official International Travel together
3. A quote about marriage and snapshots from my polaroid cam
4. Money/coins & a daily log about what we see, hear, smell, etc…
5. Day 1 and more pics and notes
6. Daily budget envelops, tickets going back and a receipt of our final meal before leaving Maldives.
A closer look of Day 1 Page, the first island trip  to Bandos Island and the fees
we paid for this trip :) courtesy of
Holiday Factory!

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