2016 – Year-End Review

Another year is about to close and a New Year is about to unfold.

I struggled how to structure this year’s year-end review that it took me only 2 days before 2017 to complete it. Thanks to Arriane Serafico! – a new personality/mentor I have followed for a while who has inspired me in some ways. She has given this worksheet where I could easily use to complete my 2016 year-end review.

So, in this post, I will divide it into 4 major topics as I look back what this year has been according to the worksheet guide.

3 Things I’m Most Proud Of Accomplishing in 2016
This year, aside from completing all our documents for our migration plan… below 3 items are the things I am proud of. Needless to expound, but these three are the major accomplishments, links to the stories of each item is available.
  1. Purchasing my own domain and checked out that dream from 5 years
  2. Travelled to Sri Lanka
  3. TVM issues – The Vineyard Magazine has been running for 4 years now and I praise God for completing another year of 4 issues.

3 Things I Wish I had Done Better
I somehow become lax about these three important things in life this year, although not completely zero but I am aware that I didn’t focus much about them.

  1. Losing Weight / Exercise – yes, I know I have gained much… :(
  2. Learning something new – Haven’t invested in education/learning this year…
  3. Stronger Faith / Relationship with God – I have struggled for the new service that Kokobear and I have in the past 2 years, quite long isn’t it – but it was only during the 3rd quarter of this year, that I have fully accepted it.

Roadblocks that Prevented me in Doing Better:
Number one enemy/sin that has become a roadblock for me in not accomplishing the above “Could have done better” items is being lazy! Procrastinating much and being discouraged or shall I say somehow low-self esteem in some other moments. I guess I have limited myself in a way that I didn’t work harder in losing weight or learning something new – I feel I was stagnant. But now that I am doing this review and realize these, I would definitely try to be better, work harder and aim higher!

This 2017 I will devote most of my time for

To Learn
To Create

I don’t usually create a theme for a year but this year, thanks to Arriane, I am encouraged to do one! 

LEARN and Amplify CREATIVITY 2017

I also want to share this post from Positive Energy, posted by Ate Lou, inspired me . . .
May 2017 be a great you to you and your family.
God Bless!

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