My Creative Mantra

TCP Calendar 2019

I have been following Lavendaire (Aileen Xu) for almost 6 months now and she is definitely inspiring me to be creative (among others). As I continue to follow her – I happen to bumped into her mini-activity of creating a Creative Mantra; an affirmation about who I am as a creative.

So here is my declaration!

I am creative.

I am passionate and worthy to share my talent and skills to the world.

I am confident of being God’s creation, therefore I know I am special.

I am destined for greatness.



Creative Mantra is your personal declaration of who you are as a creative individual. It is your creative manifesto. A declaration (published and verbal) of your intentions, motives, views on creativity – on creating anything. Your affirmation to create, create and create! And as my writing hero – Elizabeth Gilbert asks: Who gets to decide if you are creative? (a legitimate artist) – no one but YOU!


So go ahead, have your own manifesto. What’s your #CreativeMantra?


Share it on the comment section below :)


God bless,






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