Goal Setting – The Four Questions to Answer

I’ve come across Amber Rae’s blog post on Goal Setting: Four Questions to Ask When Setting Your Next Goal. In that blog post she explained her own answers to these 4 questions and as I launched my GOAL of releasing my book/workbook The Creative Passport, I’d like to answer them too.


These are the 4 QUESTIONS:

  1. What is your goal?
  2. Why do you want to do this?
  3. How do you want to feel in the pursuit of your goal?
  4. And what can you do to feel that way?


1. What is your goal?

My goal is to release the Passion Project that I’ve worked with for the past year since May 2018. This is called THE CREATIVE PASSPORT

2. Why?

It’s been a dream to write a book and although this isn’t the story/novel type, this workbook is a dream come true for someone like me who has this dream of being a write since younger years. It is an output to all my creative pursuits and I hope that I’ll be able to inspire others using this tool.

3. How do you want to feel in the pursuit of your goal?

I’d want to feel Useful. Energized. Grateful. Blessed. Inspired.Creative.Accomplished.

I’d like to feel creative. I’d like to feel fulfilled and be more inspired in every single creative project/s that I do. I also want to feel that my ideas are also true to every single person on earth. I personally believed that everyone can be creative as long as they are open to it and be willing to do the process. I wanna feel energized by simply sharing this workbook to others. Useful – that other may find it helpful in discovering their creative potentials, Grateful and Blessed for being able to do what I want to do and of course Accomplished for being able to release the book.

4. And what can you do to feel that way?

I could release the book, share it and be not afraid if I fail or if people won’t respond to how I’d want them to be. Basically, simply releasing this book out to the world for my personal goal is already and accomplishment.

Now, your turn, what’s your current goal? Answer these questions and share it too.


God bless,










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