Dear Creatives✨,
Life is like a wheel of life sometimes we are up sometimes down and for today’s post – let this be a reminder to stay grounded in Christ and let Him sustain you in your daily undertakings.

Though the threat of pandemic has slowly subsides in some places, we know for sure that a lot of our family and friends are still in the most difficult times of their lives. A little kindness always help. Let us pray 🙏 for them as well.
To you, who is reading this and is currently in your challenged moment, I am praying for you. Don’t lose hope. This is just a season in life. The Lord will not abandon his people; he will not desert those who belong to him (Psalm 94:14).
While struggling, make sure that you continuously connect to the Source. In John 15 series; He said “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”
So, make time for Him.
✨ Go to mass,
✨ Spend time praying,
✨ Read & learn from the Bible,
✨ Join teachings in the community.
✨ Go for a Confession.
And again, don’t hold Him, let Him hold you. With our strength alone we are weak. With God He is enough.
May the good Lord strengthen us in days of waiting and weakness. May we stay committed to our faith.
"Be STILL and know that He is God."
God bless,
JM Kayne 💚