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My Writing Journey | The Creative Passport Book Project

The Writing Journey | Updates & Backtrack




I was unemployed for almost 2 & half years by now… I went on a vacation in the Philippines and back after 5 months. As I boarded the plane, I was listening to a podcast that talks about dreams, goals and how we tend to procrastinate the most important thing we actually want to accomplish. We start to question our capacity and all other things… But this podcast has encouraged me to write my ugly draft and completed it as the year ends.

I submitted to some publishing houses, with refusal emails week after week after week… but it didn’t stop me from looking for a way, until I learned about “Self-Publishing” option. I closed my eyes and invested on this dream . . .

2020 – Pandemic came

2021 – Pandemic Year 2

2022 – Life took over, busy with life


Q4 I went home and met my publisher in Cebu, finalized and cleared some cobwebs ensuring final manuscript to be submitted by December.


Update # 1 – First Update

The Creative Passport Update # 1:

Hello Creatives!
I would like to share something personal and exciting that has made me busy lately.
After 5 long years of push and pull, I have finally mustered all the courage to put the publishing of my book @thecreativepassport into action.
Just before Eid holidays, I experienced the feeling of both excitement and in awe as I reviewed the TCP book cover. Literally reviewing the texts, graphics, and fonts of how the book would look and feel physically.
The manuscript has been approved too! And the team is currently working on the inside layout as to how I envisioned it.
This is a personal goal of mine to become a published author/writer. A dream long way back… I will be sharing a v/blog about this writing journey on / #JMTV soon as I do it one step at a time.
More of these will be shared as we progress to the next steps… Praising God for small progress and courage.
I hope you look forward to it and be part of this journey with me.


Update # 2 – Copyright Permissions

Ohhhhh, so this is how it is…

TCP Book Update #2
Sharing this may seem not necessary, but as a first-time author, every step in this journey excites me. Each new lesson learned feels like a milestone worth documenting.
Backtrack: During the manuscript review, my publisher advised me to reach out to specific authors whose quotes I’ve included in my book #TheCreativePassport @thecreativepassport .
This is a standard practice to ensure compliance with copyright laws and to obtain necessary permissions.
After contacting 3-4 authors (publishing co) and patiently waiting for a couple of weeks as instructed on their respective websites, I received no response. With the need to finalize the content’s looming deadline, I made the decision to omit their quotes.
A month later, I received a feedback from one of the publishers (see 2nd photo). It was a moment of realization— “Ohhhhh, so this is how it is…”
Writing is just one facet of this journey; editing, sourcing images, designing graphics, formatting the interior, navigating copyright issues, marketing, and the publishing process all play vital roles.
Despite the challenges, I’m grateful for embarking on this path. It’s a journey toward checking off a bucket list item!
Cheers to all creatives out there!

I’ll keep you updated.


Update # 3 – Interiors Submission

What’s up Creatives!

Yesterday, my final interior review (contents) has been submitted!
Hopefullyfor one time review only!
It was 2019 when I first submitted the first draft of #TheCreativePassport, @thecreativepassport hoping it would fly away. But 2020 took over, life happens… We were occupied with the pandemic and life in general, so this project took a back seat.
2021 -> 2022 -> 2023 • • •
In 2023, I met my publisher in Cebu, I thought they were in Singapore earlier, that I have intentionally booked a layover flight to SG. To my surprise, they are nestled in IT Park!
Late 2023, I started reviewing it and come 2024, my creative senses woke up from the hiatus and found myself on this stage that I would say the last 2 or 3 steps to being officially an author a “published author”. #DreamDreamDream #Bucketlist
Hopefully this project will be sealed soon.
Thank you for reading my story creatives!
Ikaw, (You) what creative project(s) have you been putting aside? Make space for inspiration!
Amping ug Ampo!
God bless,
JM Kayne

Update # 4 – Book Cover and Interiors Approval Completion

  This is it Creatives! The final review of #TheCreativePassport’s book and interior edits and revisions have been finalized! In a week or 2, this dream 💫 will officially be published! 🙏🏼 Praise 🙌🏼 the Lord! The second photo is an email from my publisher! 😳😊





Finally, the next blog post will an official release!

Thank you for sticking with me Creatives!

Amping ug Ampo!

God bless,








The Creative Passport Socials:  TCP Instagram: @thecreativepassport

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