Should have published it long time back, just can’t get the time to finish it fast! :)
Most of the people think that it’s too early for me to feel it, that it’s just 2 days more or less and I fell. Let me say, I just feel it, it’s a feeling of belonging-ness & a light mood of being around the city.
Wont write long like my other regular blog posts. This time, let the photos ☺ tell what I feel! ♥
♥ ☺ ✉ ☼ ✩ ♨ ✔ ☮ ♫ ✂ ☛ ✽ ✮ ☀ ✌ ☂ ✰ ♥ ☺
It’s just a short blog post sharing this memorable stop over in Singapore. I wish I could actually spend more time in this beautiful city! Someday, I’ll do that!
God bless!
JM Kayne |