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Kayne Series (Vol. 2) – Social Media YES/NO Questions

Taking a break from the Sri Lankan blogs for a while and took time to share another volume of getting to know yours truly :) . I call this series as KAYNE Series – where I will be sharing you some stuffs about me. Kayne Series – Volume 1 were some basics.


So , this is actually Volume 2 – with it, I’ll share something from Facebook bucket list- that was shared by many of my friends and answer it here in this blog post.

Bucket list – Please play along and do yours on the comment section of this blog :D  
Put a yes or no next to the ones you’ve done. Be honest!


💍 Been married: …………………… Yes
👫 Gone on a blind date: ………….Yes
👶 Had children: …………………….Not yet
👥 Skipped school: ………………… Yes
🐌 Been to France : …………………No
🚑 Ridden in an ambulance: ……..No
🌇 Been to America: ………………..No
🌃 Been to Europe : …………………No
🗼 Been to Cape Town: ……………. No
🚁 Flown in a helicopter: …………..No
🚢 Been on a cruise: ……………….. Yes (mini-cruise)
 Danced in the rain: ………………Yes
🎤 Sung: ……………………………..Yes
☎ prank calls: ………………………..Yes
😂 laughed so hard you cried: ……Yes
played in snow: ……………………No
🐍 Had a pet: ………………………….. Yes
🏂 Been sledding on a big hill: ……No
🎿 Been downhill skiing: …………..No
🌊 Been jet skiing: …………………..No
🚩 Ridden on a quad: ……………….. No
🚌 Travelled on a bus, train & coach: Yes
Jumped out of a plane: ………………..No
🎬 Been to an outside movie:…No
🐫 Ridden a camel …………………Yes
🐎 Ridden a donkey: ………………Yes
🎬 Been on TV: ………………………..No
📰 Been in the newspaper: …………..Yes (answered a contest in Superbalita)
🏥 Stayed in hospital: ………….Yes
💉 Donated blood: ……………………No
📌 Had a piercing: …………………………. Yes (ear)
🐾 Had a tattoo: …………………………….. No (Doe a henna count? :) )
🚙 Driven over 100 km/h: ….. No
🏠 Lived on your own: …………..Yes
📝 Had a speeding ticket: ………No (CITOM counted? heheeh)
💊 Broken a bone: ………………. No
📍 Had stitches: ………..Yes
💺 Travelled Alone: ………………….Yes
💁 Had bank savings……..Yes
Feel free to copy and paste and answer it.
Go on…😆😀

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