TV Series Review: LOST

TV Series Review | LOST

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It was 2005 when I last found myself crazy on a TV series called ALIAS… this has been my all time favorite that it took me another 5 years to move on & try another series… My family recommended LOST way back 2009 during my First vacation home… I spent the whole 2009-2010 with only 2-3 minutes glimpse and let it rested.

Until I was back home again, vacation 2, this time I gave my time to it, played season 1 and found myself suddenly awake in the middle of the night thinking what’s on the island! Ha ha ha.. Now I am hooked!

This entry will be my own review about this series, its pros n cons, the things I understood & the questions I have in mind.

Let me start by praising JJ Abrahams for a job well done. This story way then captured me simply because number one, it came from the same Producer/writer of Alias. He never fails to amaze me with the twists & storylines. And wish I could shake his hand for that! ^^


So here we go:


– PROS –

– CONS –



It could have been a long review.. but I guess I lost my track… hihih.. Anyway I just want to say I now have 2nd fave & that’s LOST! ^^


Kudos! Jack & the rest of the LOST cast!!!!



God bless,

JM Kayne




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