This Blog in #s
#InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog in numbers . . .
In My Heart – JM Kayne’s Blog ( is now . . .
- 8 years old today
- 6.5 years in the Blogger/Blogspot platform and 1.5 in WordPress
- 225 posts/stories (as of today)
- 18,000++ WordPress visitors (moved from Blogger to WordPress)
- 50,000 ++ visitors (from old Blogger platform, before moving to WP)
- Approximately 80K++ views/visitors
- 100 – 1100 approximate – Page views/visitors per day
- 105 countries (and counting)
- 2 blog awards
- 20 brand collaborations (and counting since 2016)
Social Accounts (As of August 2018):
- 1450+ Facebook Page likes & follows
- 1400+ – LinkedIn Contacts
- 500+ – Instagram Followers
- 280+ – Twitter Followers
- 120 – Pinterest Followers
- 74 – Bloglovin Followers
- 55 – Google+ Followers
- 50 – WordPress Bloggers followers
- 14 – Youtube channel subscriber
Thank you very much for helping me to grow this passion project. I appreciate every single page view. I love you all! ♡
God bless,
Share you thoughts :)
Susan Peck
Wow, I am super-impressed that you’ve stuck with it for 8 years and counting! That dedication and consistency is an achievement in itself! Congratulations on all you’ve accomplished so far, and may your numbers continue to grow!
JM Kayne
Thanks Susan! :D I love your website.. such an inspiration! <3