Teaching Room

Welcome to Teacher Julie’s TEACHING ROOM!


Teaching Room at www.iamjmkayne.com
Checkout my latest presentation on my SLIDESHARE account.

Teaching is my number one passion!

It has been a childhood dream to become one and though I have veered my way to this world for a while now, I am still a teacher at heart. Once a teacher, always a teacher! :) Share on X

So I have dedicated this page as my OFFICIAL ONLINE Classroom! This is actually a CLASSROOM for everybody, but most especially for my [future] students. This will include anything about my class and a general topic about teaching or education.

What to expect in this page and/or subpages:

  • A – General Education (Blogposts about Teaching)
  • B – Social Sciences Topics
    • High School lessons such as:
      • Asia,
      • World History,
      • Economics and
      • Contemporary Issues
      • Since I am currently based in UAE, there will also be topics about Social Studies UAE.
  • C – ESL or English as Second Language Lessons 

I have also started plotting a new blog page called The Creative Passport, where I will tackle more lessons about Creativity, Blogging, Passion Projects, HR Topics, Presentation Skills, Team Building and more.

Meanwhile, get updates on my latest blog post from this blog’s HOME.



  1. Rocketship: A Revitalized Approach for a Quality Education
  2. 16 Inspiring Quotes for Teachers
  3. My TEACHERS, through these years…






  1. The Advantage of Learning the English Language


Education is the most powerful weapon for changing the world. Be the change you want the world to be. . . . #EducationIsLife #iamjmkayne #InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog #PPBreakthroughs2018 Share on X



Visit my TEACHERS PAY TEACHERS Product List here.




#iamjmkayne #InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog #PPBreakthroughs2018 #IAmATeacher


How to Start a Blo g - iamjmkayne.com

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