CFFL #TVM21 Released!

– Editor’s Note –
It’s that time of the year once again! CFFL UAE ECHO CONFERENCE hitting the sands of the Emirates!
Yes, if you’ve noticed, our first entry/issue in the past 2 years has been released on March in-time for the national event. Followed by June – the anniversary event and the third one is on November for during the Pastoral visit.
From 4 issues we’ve reduced to 3 issues in order to release them in time for our UAE-wide gatherings.
In this issue, we start with the overview of our theme this year #FamiliesOnMission with Tito Frank’s write up. Of course, some sharing on community activities, the different types of Love – just in time for the love month! The historic visit of Pope Francis; a sharing of a brother’s experience. An overload of poetry at the Poetic side page. The blessing of being generous in SFL GIG.
Regulars like FotoQuoteToh, Selfie and Groupie w/ TVM, Loads of photographs in our Gallery section. A very personal sharing about God’s gift and making these brethren become better loving parents. A set of 25 saints shared from the KFL FB Page. Plus two pages of the lyrics that made waves during the SFL Acquaintance Party at SFL Himig Handog last December 2018.
Today, we celebrate the Echo Conference here in Abu Dhabi – FAMILIES ON MISSION. And although this is a gathering for CFLs only, worry not because other ministries will have their own Echo Congresses as scheduled.
SFL Congress in April, HFL, SvFL & YFL Congresses in May, and KFL Congress in June.
Indeed a whole year of families on mission!
Praying for you and your family!
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