SFL Love Forum 2016 – My Take Home
SFL Love Forum 2016 Backdrop and the 111 SFL attendees It’s my 4th SFL Love Forum in my 7 years of community life. To many – they might say “ay tapos na ako so di na ako aattend”. But what I realized, attending the sessions/talks over and over again allows you to gain more ideas, teachings, lessons etc. · At first, I was a participant, · second I was a service team, · third I was a guest, · And on my 4th time, just this Friday – I became a speaker. What’s common among all 4 is that I keep myself interested…
Reposted: In my mind I was lucky, #InMyHeart I AM BLESSED!
Reposting this sharing (witnessing) that I have submitted to CFC-FFL Fliq Media. This was featured in one of the sharing walls of WSC 2014. “ I’m Okay, I’m good. I pray, I do good things to others. My life is beautiful! I am lucky! ” These were my statements all my life back then… Life before getting to know Christ deeper was actually satisfactory and typical. I go to mass, I pray the rosary, do novena and indeed I was a regular Sunday Christian. All the aspects of my life were pretty in good shape; a great loving family, an amazing set of friends back home, finished school, able to…