New here: Here I go! ☂

Me in 2009 | At my back is one of Abu Dhabi’s 5* hotel – The Emirates Palace (UAE)
New Here: Here I go!
I have been trying to open this page/blog for a long time, but in some instances the net seemed not to cooperate. It was only today when I found myself sleepy that I need to divert my attention into something that would make me up.
And now I find myself writing right here and now :)
This is going to be my hub! My blogs will be anything under the sun! Anything that inspires me, opinions for a good or bad mood, moments, praising & worshiping GOD and more! This is obviously my very first blog post (after changing emails). In this space I am sharing you the stories #InMyHeart. (♥)
See you soon folks, I will be transferring my old blogs & will soon write an updated one! :)
God bless,
JM Kayne ♡

Share you thoughts :)
JM Kayne
This photo was taken in front of Emirate Palace Abu Dhabi UAE.
Momma To Go
MY current blog is my second also! I hope to recycle some of the old content
JM Kayne
Will try to work it out Harmony! .
Glad that you have started the blog and looking forward to see more story from you and nice picture.
Your blogging journey has been a long one . Blogging sometimes take a while to get going but it is totally worth it . What is your favorite part of blogging ?
DrAmrita BasuMisra (@misra_amrita)
This is from a timeI was clueless baout blogs.Nice to catch up on memories .Blog memories are special .its a living diary,
I started blogging just about 5 months back. I was thinking about it for a long time. Bit when I finally started, it felt like an achievement.
Evelyn Lo Foreman
Wow, JM, I’m so proud of you. Gosh how amazing it must have been for you to write through all the renditions of yourself over the years! You have persevered and we are all reaping the rewards. Well-done!! Can’t wait to scroll through your writing ☺️ Bonjour! Xo, Evelyn, PathofPresence
Susan Peck/Call To Excellence
Looking forward to reading your upcoming posts as you embark on this new adventure, both in blogging and living in the UAE! Can’t wait to hear your perspectives :-)
Katz Voyage
i love this. my advice when i started was “one year from now, you’ll wish you started today” so i love to see where you’ve come since here! xx