CEBU : Sinulog 2017
What & How Sinulog started?
Sinulog started as a celebratory ritual for the locals of Zubu (Cebu’s old name). Upon the arrival of Spaniards in 1519 who brought Christianity in the country, the image of Sto. Niño was a gift to King Humabon and Reyna Juana and became the image of worship for the people of Cebu. The word SINULOG came from the word “sulog” which means like a water current movement – that’s why one of the major steps of the dance is the two-steps forward and a one step backward.
Baladhay was the King’s right hand who became sick. So the king ordered his servants to bring Baladhay to the chapel where the image of Sto. Nino was. In a few moment they saw Baladhay alive and well again. They asked him how it happened and Baladhay shared that he saw the image of the child Sto. Niño and thus he started dancing. Up to date, this dance has become an offering as a sacrifies to the child Jesus Christ. Year after year, Sinulog Festival has become known worldwide and has draw thousands of visitors foreign tourists and Filipinos alike.
Sinulog is a month-long festivity for everyone especially for all devotees, among the events that get people involved into are:
- Sinulog Street Fair,
- Sinulog Fun Run
- Walk with Jesus
- Sinulog sa Kabataan
- Novena Mass
- Ms. Cebu or Sinlog Festival Queen
- Sinulog Idol
- Walk with Mary
- Fluvial Procession of the Miraculous Image of the Sto. Niño
- Re-enactment of the Baptism of Queen Juana and Rajah Humabon
- Solemn Procession of the Miraculous Image of Sto. Niño
- Sinulog Fireworks Competition
- Sinulog Grand Parade (The Big Event)
- Awarding Ceremonies @ Cebu City Sports Center
- “HUBO”
Attending this year’s main event was special because a co-Piper has offered us a “Sponsor’s seat”! It is of course for free! I am watching Sinulog live at Cebu Sports Complex for the first time! Shout out to Joanne!!! Thank you! Got to mention thought that we got it from her cousin who has connections in one of the sponsors – Generica Pharmacy! For your info; Sinulog Festival can be both enjoyed for free (on the streets, for the Street Dance Competition or by buying a ticket for the Main Presentation at Cebu City Complex (aka Abellana SC) for around 500 Pesos and above.

Tips while attending the festival!
- Keep a bottle of water at all times. Walking around the city is a must when you want to see the festivities, major roads are closed because of the street dance. Of course there are food & souvenier stalls around the corner, so as soon as you consume it you can just buy.
- Stay Close with your circle. This year the City Mayor ordered a “network shutdown” while the festivities are ongoing. This is for security purposes. So staying beside your buddies will save you time in searching your friend in a crowd of thousands of people, which if your in no luck may end up you going home alone.
- Be careful with Pick pockets. Like many other cities, although Cebu City government spreads out the policemen around the city, it is still wise to be mindful of your bag and belongings. Due to the massive number of people both locals and visitors, it will be difficult to identify who is who. So better be ready and
- Enjoy! The view, the street dance and the mardigra itself is a fun experience, people walking around the street and the all smiling people around the street gets you into the mood.
- Take Photos all the way! Mobile cameras will do. But if you would like to take a better quality photos then something high-end is recommended, especially if you have an intention to join the Photo walk contest. Did I miss anything?
See more photos on my photo journal blog here.
Go ahead, feel free to drop me a comment.
God Bless!
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