Five (5) Podcasts I listen to
Many people nowadays usually say they are busy and squeezing in some time for something new might not be applicable. But how about during your lull time? How about while you do a long walk, maybe a jog or run. Or stuck in the traffic? In a queue waiting for something? Obviously, the go to “thing” – is, of course; our mobile phones. Browsing Facebook, Instagram or playing games. But how about learning something new or get inspired by listening to a Podcast!?
Yes, many heard this word and yet a few have explored.
What’s a podcast?
/pɒdkɑːst/ – A podcast is a digital audio file available on the internet for downloading and be saved on your computer or mobile device. These are pretty much like a radio station conversation about a certain topic. Topics vary from faith, business, creativity, education and all other topics.
In this post, I am sharing 5 of the podcast I listened to and has kept me inspired throughout the 7 months that I’ve been staying just at home since January.
1. Happier
Hosted by: Gretchen Ruben
Gretchen is a writer based in New York who studies habit and anything about happiness. She’s joined by her friend Elizabeth Craft in this journey to be happier. My favorite part of this show is when they give one specific happier act every episode they call “do this at home” tip, which allows you to do it as a way to be happier.
I also enjoy the last part wherein Gretchen and Elizabeth exchange their Happiness gold stars (merits) & demerits alternately. These are simple good & bad (not really bad, but “to improve” ) stuff they’ve done over the past days/weeks. A good way to recognize people, things, habits that create a positive impact in life, how minute they could be. Or even recognizing that what they’ve done; is something to “work on” and be better next time.
Read her show notes and load up with her happier podcasts on Happier.
2. The Purposeful Creative
Hosted by: Arriane Serafico
I was watching a YouTube talk show (also a podcast) called Coffee Break and there I first knew this very creative lady! That short interview she had on that show wherein she talked about How to Ace your Presentation got me curious of her craft, so I googled her and learned about her personal website, her blog – now podcast The Purposeful Creative and her BraverGoals community. She swept me with her ideas and of her ways of presenting them. What I love the most about her blog/podcast is that she gives a very easy & actionable step to act out. She challenges & encourages all her listeners/followers of various things that would definitely keep you thinking.
I personally love her IG Feeds & stories. So go ahead & follow her on Instagram @arrianeserafico and listen to her podcast on The Purposeful Creative.
3. Teacher Tactics
Hosted By: Collin Dodds & Michelle
As a high school teacher, this is one of the best “teaching” podcast I’ve encountered. As they wrote on their tag line; “Impactful HS teaching strategies”.
I started listening to this one, the moment I’ve accepted the new job I got – this middle of the year (2017). I love that they are very specific with their examples and sharings. Most of all I enjoy that they close it with an inspiring and catchy quote called “Potent Quotables”.
I look forward to more ideas, strategies, classroom management and interviews of real life teachers sharing their passion, designs, styles, teaching tips, discipline, student engagements, and tactics! It excites me to be back in the teaching stage! It’s been almost 9 years since I left the teaching world and this is going to be my first attempt to a “real-life classroom teaching.” Wish me luck! Bring it on September! :) Woohooo!
Teacher Tactics‘ website/podcast episodes can be found on
4. Creative Pep Talk
Hosted By: Andy J. Pizza
For a while now, I have tried calling myself a “creative”, well I guess I deserved to be one… anyone can be creative in their own right. But then, I found myself going around the idea of creative thinking or design thinking and landed on this podcast! I enjoy that Andy is so open about exploring this world and unleashing the power of creativity in oneself. Hearing other creatives too from the series of interviews he made over the past episodes gets me into taking down notes and trying to brainstorm that creative side of me. Every end of the episode I sure have a take home. It could be an idea or a quote that ignites the creative part of me!
Get updates on his latest podcast episode on Creative Pep Talk website.
5. Catholic Answers
Hosted by: Cy Killet with Different Priests & Apologetics.
As a Catholic Christian of course, it helps to allow yourself learn more about your faith by understanding how it works. When I found this podcast, I know I am on the right track. It talked about the topics about Catholicism. Why we do this and that, what is the reason the Pope or the priest says this or do that. There is also a day where in they open the lines up and allow Christians and other denominations call them for random questions. It is a good way to touch topics that probably some other people have the same questions and yet don’t have enough guts to ask it.
Get updates and other details about the Catholic faith on Catholic Answers.
This list is, of course, a few of the many podcasts circulating the podcast world which you could explore on the net and/or your Podcast app on your iPhone or on Sticher for Androids phones.
As for me, I am continuously researching for new and refreshing ideas as I explore this new medium. Isn’t it a better alternative than just browsing and peeking up the lives of others or do selfies here and there? :) lol I’m guilty of that too! hehe
Hope this one helps you in one way or another. Just another option to spend your lull moments.
Have your own choices and feed your thoughts of something better, educational & of course positive!
“Keep learning and strive to better yourself!”
How about you? Do you listen to podcasts? What are your favorites!?! Go ahead let me know – on the comments below & I’d be happy to check them out too! :)
God bless!
Share you thoughts :)
Momma To Go
I love the mom hour and the girls next door!
JM Kayne
Haven’t heard of them, I check them out too! :) Thank you for sharing Harmony!
I’ve never listened to a podcast in my life, but clearly I’m missing out. I definitely need to check out The Purposeful Creative. She sounds like she would help my critical thinking skills!
JM Kayne
Highly recommend her podcast! :)
GLENNY (@glennymah)
O this is awesome, I love listening to podcasts but i need to make more time to do so! Ill try out some of ur suggestions too! :)
Shatia Mason
Thanks for sharing this list! It’s right on time! Yesterday one of my friends on Facebook asked if anyone had any podcasts they could recommend for her to listen to. I’m going to pass your list on! I love listening to podcasts while I’m at work. They’re so informative and make the workday pass by quickly.
These all sounds so interesting, especially The Purposeful Creative! My favorites are Grammar Girl and this one by Neil Patel. can’t remember the name, unfortunately :(
I’m a teacher too. I will have to check out teacher tactics. What a great idea!
JM Kayne
What grade do you teach? For sure you will love it!
I love a list of podcasts since I drive a lot. Creative Pep Talk sounds like something I need to listen to!
I haven’t been listening to many podcasts, but it is so convenient if you are on the go and just pop in for a listen! Thanks for the introduction and to all your favorite stations.
xo Sheree
Alexander Popkov
The teacher tactics looks quite useful. …and no comedy podcasts??? How??? :) :) :)
JM Kayne
Still exploring this podcast world too… maybe I’ll share more :) Thanks for dropping by Alex!
I’ve heard and read about podcast but I actually haven’t tried listening to it.. I guess this is something worth exploring.. Thank you for sharing great article JM!
JM Kayne
Happy to hear I helped in some ways Miguel! :)
Umm. so far I have only listened to podcasts related to Twitter audience growth :P but you post mae me inquisitive. I might start with the forth one
JM Kayne
Yay! Go ahead, its such a creative journey to listen to it! :)