BlogLife,  Faith,  JM Kayne's Life,  Lifestyle,  Passion Project

Bonjour 2018

bounjor 2018 -

Bonjour 2018!

How time flies!?! January has just hit half way!

Isn’t it amazing that in a snap, we find ourselves changing 7 to 8 on our dates as we welcome 2018 with our calendars? Let me say BONJOUR 2018! There have been a couple of posts that was published right before this and somehow I feel the need to complete this themed post for my year’s chapter title. Right after this post is AU REVOIR AD. My emotional yet bitter-sweet salute to UAE’s capital. Watch out for it.


Let’s take a moment to REVIEW:

Last year, I have decided to start having a yearly theme, which will guide me as my north star whenever I feel the need to be reminded of my target/goal in each year. Making sure that I won’t fall back into that long-list of “New Year’s Resolution”, I instead wrote a THEME to follow and thus helps me accomplish what I’d like my year to be. 

So, last year my theme was:

2017: Learn & Amplify Creativity.

Allow me then, to highlight what are my accomplishments for this theme.

In the quest to learn more, I have enrolled into 3 ILT (Instructor Led Training) courses from Filipino Institute Abu Dhabi. I’ve completed the ladderized format of Basic, Intermediate & Advanced HR & Admin. 

[Sharing certificates photos, as soon as I collect them . . . ]

I also enrolled online classes from Arriane Serafico’s The Purposeful Creative & tried her free online classes. I did purchased her 2017 Braver Goals workbook too for a self-study and guide.

For Amplifying Creativity, I took the initiative to re-edit my talks for the CLS and tried my best to make them look better and deliver them as well in a heart-filled manner. Of course I won’t be able to do that without the guidance of the Holy Spirit. In between; –  creative tasks are also done for the community magazine – CFFL – Vineyard Magazine and other stuffs for family and friends. The DIY – G+M Wedding invites was my final 2017 creative Passion Project and indeed I am so happy to be able to complete it on time.

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 NOW: As I say hello to 2018, Bonjour 2018! Allow me to share my theme this year:

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2018: A Year of

Passion Projects & 





Similar to my community’s theme for this year; DESTINED for GREATNESS. I envisioned this year to be full of passion projects and breakthroughs in all aspects of my life. I believe God has created as in his likeness and image, thus like Him, we are on our way to greatness..

 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own”

(1 Peter 2:9a)

When, I look back what happened to me last year – I’ve come to realized that it culminates into that destiny that God has created for me and Darrelle (Kokobear/ my husband). In fact earlier this year, Kokobear and I have moved to Dubai and been anointed to be God’s servants. Looking at the bigger picture, this is just only the beginning of His plans and I am so excited what are the other breakthroughs that will unfold according to His will.

I want to extend my biggest THANK YOU to all readers and followers, join me as we say Bonjour (Hello) to 2018. Let us face it with hope and assurance that God has promised us according to the scriptures from Jeremiah 29:11 and that of Romans 8:28.

May this year be filled with the dreams we wish to accomplish and ticked them off out of our list, may we be filled spiritually more than ever. Keep praying, it is free. Nourish your soul.



God bless us all!


JM SIGNATURE-black #PPBreakthroughs2018



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