BlogLife,  Lifestyle,  Passion Project

How to START a BLOG (2018)


For a while now, I always encourage my friends and a few readers to start a blog whenever they tell me that I inspire them to pursue their passion in writing. And I always get caught up to the thought that why not tell them HOW TO DO IT? :) 

Now, this is my action step! ^^ Let me share how in this blog post.

The 7 steps to start a blog:

  1. Answer, WHY do you want to start a blog?
  2. Decide what to blog about. Define or identify your niche
  3. Choose a blogging platform.
  4. Get started with WordPress.
  5. Design & use your blog!
  6. Pick a domain name. (Optional for beginners)
  7. Find a host. (Optional for beginners)

Don’t worry, I will elaborate these steps one by one and hopefully I will give justice to it. 


<<< A little BACK STORY <<<

I have been blogging since 2008, this year is a very important year in my life because it’s the year that I have ticked off one of my bucket-list : To get my passport stamped before it expires! lol hahaha kidding aside – this is the year I left Cebu for Abu Dhabi.

So, to ease loneliness (not really lonely but excited of the new adventures) and more on being homesick – I have decided to record my experiences through blogging. Thus, In My Heart came to life. Because these are the stories #InMyHeart ♥.



 #1 – Answer, WHY do you want to start a blog?

[ #KayneAnswers: I wrote it already above – I wanted to express my feelings and document my life experiences.]

Most of the people, will have the same reason as mine. Others because they have learned that blogging can also let them:

 Practice the writing skills

✅ Share their stories, poetry and other literary expressions

 Earn money

 Or just to simply make an online diary of their life.

You, what’s your WHY?


#2 – Decide what to blog about. Define or identify your niche.

[#KayneAnswers: I want to blog about my life experiences (take 3 heheh). At first, I can’t define  my niche but overall its a lifestyle/personal niche where topics about life, travel, faith, teaching are combined.]

You have all the right to choose whatever topic you want to write, as long as you don’t hurt anybody.. {Avoid fake news pls!!!}  I would suggest that you write what you are passionate about. You can also just make a photo blog – where you simply share your favorite photos and a little description or caption. 


Not Sure What to BLOG yet? Write anyway! Share whatever you have in your mind. I even found a blog that I am currently loving – where she simply share a note of the little things in life. Check out Another blog only features his favorite YouTube Music videos and songs. One fellow blogger shares her journey about depression. Actually, it is all up to you. 

#Writing, for me is therapeutic, it eases my thoughts amidst the many cabwebs it has. It calms me down. The words that I release through the pen and paper takes out anxiety and makes me feel better. #iamjmkayne #InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog… Share on X

💡 FYI: Niche noun [nich] is defined as – pertaining to a specific position or specific appeal to a market. This means topic such as Life, Travel, Faith, Family, Food, Political issues, Entertainment… etc.



#3 – Choose a Blogging Platform

[#KayneAnswers: In 2008, I was blogging through in (this is the Google blogging platform). And in 2016, I have decided to move it to WordPress. Simply because I have found out that WordPress has more users compared to Blogspot and that I often encounter difficulty in connecting and conversing with bloggers from WordPress when I was still in Blogspot.]

For item #4, I am sharing the platform that I am using now, and that is WordPress.


💡 FYI: Blogging Platforms – are the sites  (software/service) that allows you to publish your content onto the internet in a form of blog. There are many options to this. There is Tumblr,, Google+, Facebook Page, Medium, SquareSpace, Wix and more. This link will help you more as it compares these platform.


#4 – Get Started with WORDPRESS

  1. Visit or download the app (in IOS or Google App stores)
  2. And the next few steps are on the below Slideshare. :) Or alternatively, here’s a free downloadable version of ✅ HOW TO MAKE A BLOG 2018.

 Alternatively, here’s a free downloadable version of ✅ HOW TO MAKE A BLOG 2018.



#5 – Design and USE your Blog!

[ #KayneAnswers: I got my blog theme/design from a free WordPress design called NIKKON. It’s easy to use and if I wanna make it premium, I can totally change it once I’m ready to pay for the extra and better widgets or services. But for now, I’m happy with it. ]

Pick the design you love. Change when you feel like, edit this, edit that. Change the font, change the color. You can change it as you like. But there are times that you have to buy the premium versions of it. So if you’re cool with the free one (just like me) stay there. haha :D

There are thousands of blog designs or themes you can choose from. WordPress Free account has  options or you can also purchase your prefered style and upload it to your blog. :)




#6 – Pick a domain name

[ #KayneAnswers: In the earlier stage of my blog I have already used  Mine happens to be]

Optional for beginners. Domain names are your personal choice of what your world wide web (www) address will be. Picking a domain name in this level means no more – – – or or This time only

Bear in mind though that picking a personalized domain has a cost. It is not for free. WordPress itself has a per month price, shown in the above slide/downloadable guide. BUT! Don’t worry I can recommend you a cheaper service that will cost you around 550+ Pesos only for 12 months! I will share that website in the next item.


#7 – Find a host

Again, this is optional for beginners. Understanding what a blog host sometimes is very confusing.

[ #KayneAnswers: My blog’s host is COFFEEMAGS! I also bought my domain from them at *500 PHP (*10$) for 1 year. While my blog hosting is at 1$ per month (more or less 600 PHP/year). So far they have the cheapest cost I have encountered, but their service is great! Both Michael and Gecel are so helpful especially for a non-techy person like me 😃 ]

*Price varies depending on the domain that you choose.


💡 FYI: Blog Host – is the place where your blog lives in the online world. For example, Blogspot’s host is Google. It is powered by Google. To make it more simple, Andy Traub makes this simple analogy: Web hosting is the LAND and your domain is is the ADDRESS of the house. So for you to stay in your place (online) you need a blog host.


This is my humble version of HOW TO START A BLOG this2018. A very basic guide to start into the blogging world. This has been my passion project (even without knowing/understanding what a passion project was back then) and still an on going one. :)


Read about why you too, should Start a Passion Project here.


I hope this post inspires you to start your blog this 2018!



Let the blogging begin! :)




God bless






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