Updated Podcast List for 2018
JM Kayne’s updated list of Podcast for 2018
It’s time to update my list! In 2017, I shared this list of my top 5 favorite podcasts and this year, more podcasts have taken my attention. Here are new discoveries this 2018.
Read on!
Magic Lessons by Elizabeth Gilbert
Yay!! She’s my favorite writer. And no, not because of Eat Pray Love, but because of BIG MAGIC (Book). Everything inside it and all related to her idea of creativity just resonates the inner me. She speaks my truth in this book that I am totally in love with it. Also since I started binging her videos and books, I also landed in this podcasts where she explores more about this idea of a creative genius and more magic lessons!
Marie Forleo Podcast
I learned about Marie because of Lavendaire. She’s my current #HowToBeYou po for business. She talks about business and other creative endeavors. Also interviews big time thought leaders. Her style is just refreshing!
Lavendaire by Aileen Xu
Aileen is another creative inspiration. Her Youtube channel motivates me and her personality is just nice. Her ideas resonates mine and I see myself in her. She talks about being an Artist of Life , self-care and more.
IDEO U – Creative Confidence
In my quest for Creativity, I happened to learned about Design thinking with Arriane Serafico of The Purposeful Creative (her podcast is on my 2017 list). I started to browse about IDEO and I hope to get a chance to enroll one of their courses someday.
Design Matters by Debbie Milman
This is a little bit higher level of creativity and design. I am honestly overwhelmed with the guests and the topics but I still enjoy listening to these topics because it explores so much about creativity and different types of artists. I am taking them one time at a time. hihi
Binge Mode
Because I love Game of Thrones, I enjoyed this podcast! Although I have done watching all 7 seasons and now anticipating for the last season, it is so much fun to recall them one by one in each of the episode that Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion tackles them and also helps me to understand more on some parts that I missed. They’ve done all 7 seasons and now they are on to the next movie – Harry Potter! :D
Our Food Adventures
This couple is just fun to be with! I know, because I have been on their website… Last April I was so thrilled to share my very first podcast interview with Tiara and Chris! They interview different people from different part of the globe and talks about the must sees and eat! :) Mine was about Cebu Philippines.
By the Book
(not on the photos above)
In this podcast, you get to hear their personal take on Self-Help Books. The Pros and Cons of it and if they will recommend it or not. Well, the first book they’ve taken? The Secret! :)
Do you have your favorite podcast? Share it below, I’d love to give it a try!
God bless,
Related: 2017 – Top 5 Podcast List here. My Our Food Adventure Interview | JM Kayne
Share you thoughts :)