HomeCycle Dubai – RECYCLING plastic bottles made easy!
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I recently saw a Facebook post regarding plastic bottles being collected by HomeCycle. This kabayan shared her little way of helping the environment and it has inspired me. So instead of simply throwing our empty plastic bottled water I started collecting them and have dedicated a space at home where I could store them until I reach the minimum quota for collection.
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As for me and Kokobear, we are (unfortunately) using bottled water in 1.5 liters because this is an easier option for us due to accessibility of our location. And yes, some may say that we can opt for a better option which we already considered… but for now we are into this. So to share a little bit of responsibility, I have convinced Kokobear to keep these empty bottle for HomeCycle to collect. It took me almost 2 months to reach the minimum 30 bottles and I have reached more than that. I end up with a big garbage bag full packed of pressed bottles and an extra bag.
Once it was ready, I contacted them (via Facebook) and they’ve instructed me to log-in into their website or download the app. The next day, they have collected it! Friendly staff and easy to deal with. The above picture is Mr. Naveed, the collecting officer and was kind enough for me to take a picture as I have asked permission if I could share it here.
By the way, they don’t only collect water bottles but also some other recyclable materials such as:
- Cloth hangers
- Glass bottles
- Old Electronics/Mobile phone or other gadgets
- Coffee Capsules
- Detergent bottles
- Paper
- Aluminum drinking cans/soda cans
And hey! It’s FREE!
I have created a short video about this experience and you can check it on my Youtube Channel. (Link below)
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Who/What is HOMECYCLE:
HomeCycle is social enterprise that aims to inspire and motivate individuals and offices to recycle making it convenient & easy.
They collect it at your doorstep and ensure that the items you give them are properly recycled. They have some charities and collaboration with some brands/companies that take responsibilities with these items. With HomeCycle you also get rewarded by collecting points that you can use for vouchers, charity donation or even cash!
Contact Details:
Website: www.homecycle.org | Tel. No.: +971 4 282 93 91 | Email: [email protected] | Facebook: Homecycle Dubai
So, do you have these items at home?
Why not give a little back to the environment by endorsing these things to the people who could properly recycle and give them a new purpose! :)
God bless,

Share you thoughts :)