#KusinaNiKayne: Squash and Kale Salad
#KusinaNiKayne: Squash and Kale Salad
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We’ve visited a cool cafe that offers this type of salad and we loved it so much that we recreated our version of this hearty ♥ autumn feels salad.
You will need:
- Squash (1/4 cut of a large size squash – cut into cubes)
- Kale (2-3 stalks of leaves)
- Pie nuts (a handful)
- 4-5 Sun-dried tomatoes sliced
- Peta cheese
How to prepare it:
- Cut squash into cubes, you have two options in cooking it: you can either boil it till it becomes tender then fry it without oil. Alternatively, you may bake it in 15-20 minutes in 180 degrees celsius.
- Slice Kale into thin portions. (Also two options in preparing it: you can leave it fresh or half cook it in a pan without oil)
- Add sun-dried tomato, cut it into strips
- Add peta cheese into cubes
- Mix and enjoy!
Happy Cooking! :)
Happy Cooking! :)
JM Kayne @ #KusinaNiKayne

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