Daily Scriptures
Each day as I post the daily gospel, I also add this title part of the day’s #kerygmadailyreading sharing… Which are actually coming from the scriptures as well. Over the past months of capturing them via @instagram and sharing it on @facebook, I’ve collated a colorful collection of these bible verses and would like to share it to you as you might want to use it as a wallpaper on your mobile phones.
Here’s the full screen versions, visit my @pinterest page here 👉 https://www.pinterest.com/jmkayne/phone-wall-paper-faith/ for more of these and feel free to grab them. . .
Stay blessed! Know that God is always in control,and if you are blessed, be a blessings to others too! 😊
#IamJMKayne #InMyHeartJMKayne #KeepCreating2019 #PinterestBoard #DailyScripture #MobilePhoneWallpapers #Wallpapers #Pinterest

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