This Year’s Theme: Creative Courage 2020
Over the past 4 years now, I’ve always been setting up theme or a yearly battle cry that has been my guide in pursuing activities. Whenever I feel derailed, I go back to this phrase (or word(s) ) and get reminded of what I want to pursue in the present year. A motivating phrase that serves as my north, my way forward.
Of course, I have a new one this year. I’m sharing my past themes to give you the ideas.
2016 – Braver 2016
2017 – Learn and Amplify Creativity
2018 – Passion Projects and Breakthroughs 2018
2019 – Keep Creating 2019
This year, I’m leveling up my 2020 by having more courage in many more encounters in life. Creative confidence and courage in faith, adventures, finances, health, relationships and more.
COURAGE is a big word and shoe(s) to fill. According to Merriam (the dictionary :) ) – Courage is the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery.
It takes a lot of courage to show our dreams to someone else. But this isn’t the main challenge at all. The bigger challenge is to actually tackle those creative endeavors and put time and ACTION into it.
A lot of us would want to stay in our comfort zones and I’m not exempted to that. I often choose the easy and comfortable decisions, avoiding situations for me to exert efforts… This year I declare that I will keep creating opportunities for me to practice courage.
The 3Cs I’d like to pursue more in 2020 and beyond are:
How about you? What’s your theme this year?
Stay in your game, because YOU are God’s artwork. Blossom the way you should be! 💚
2020 theme signing in! #CreativeCourage2020
God bless,

Share you thoughts :)