JM Kayne's Life

2019 Year End Review – #KeepCreating2019

For the past years, the above questions has helped me in doing my yearend reviews. Each year, I tackle these 3 questions… Got this simple guide from Marie Forleo.I’ve not shared them here in the blog as I did it on my personal notes. Last year, my 2018 Yearend review is here – Passion Projects and Breakthroughs 2018.


This year, I’d like to create someone new.

As of writing, I’m confident that less than 5-10 people will actually read this. So, I’m sharing a few monthly highlights for this year. Keeping some details to me alone though with my journals…


So, if you are here and you’ve read this, please comment below. :D using the comment box or use the FB tab. So that I will know you!


This year, my battle cry is to Keep Creating 2019. Keep creating opportunities and creative activities to keep my mind busy especially on those months that I didn’t have a job yet. If you will search Instagram of the hashtag #KeepCreating2019 – as of today I’ve shared a total of 000 entries. Here’s a mini-run down of what happened to my 2019 – focusing on the positive side here.


Disclaimer: I’m sharing these not to boast or anything… It’s just a yearend review to take into account of what this year has been.


– 2019 REVIEW –

  • An almost published moment with AMP, but didn’t pursue because it’s a self-publishing company. This though gave me confidence that I have a manuscript worth printing. J
  • The Great Pursuit came into reality. My sleepless night of excitement on this, came on 11th
  • Launched KayneChi! Ang kimchi sa Kusina ni Kayne! Got some orders too.
  • Gained some more sponsored blog posts too.


  • Expo 2020 Volunteers interview in their office.


  • Called for interview with Infracare. Interviewed twice.
  • An answered prayer – I was called to deliver a talk for SFL Congress!!! First time ko with this big crowd! Praise the Lord!
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About to publish my year-end review on the blog ( & this – – – is one of the highlights of my 2019… ⚠️ Warning long post ahead. 😉 . . The first 4 months of this year culminates my unemployment… I’ve been a housewife for 2 and half years. Those days and months kept me awake most of the night thinking of so many things. Random thoughts about life, health, family, faith, employment and more. I often found myself wide awake at 2 am or 3 am, sometimes 6 am thinking of all things significant and none bearing ideas. In my prayer times along those four months, a thought came in to me that this year . . . . . This year, I’d like to become a speaker for UAESC. 💭 A thought I quickly dismissed. – Thinking, 🤔 am I worthy to actually deliver any of the World Singles Congress talks? (Being re-echoed in the UAE). . I stopped. . And yet every now and then it crosses my mind. Ever since UAESC happens in 2016, I never thought of such thing. I guess, I’d rather be a host or someone from the service team. Becoming a speaker is for the SC or AS or the FTW… and yet – recalling those days, I believed that God has planted that seed in my ♥ heart. Emotionally drained, my chaotic mind often pushes me to think of being “useless” for not being capable of sharing financially throughout the past 2.5 years. Self-esteem goes down. I was weak. But, the Lord is faithful. He knows the desires of our heart and he knows that having this opportunity can lift my self-worth up. Thank you Lord for choosing me quiet a lot of times this year! 😊😍 All for Your glory.☝ Food For Thought: When God plants a seed in our heart, know that He will give it in His WAY and perfect time. 🙏 Catch my year-end review on 31.12.2019 on #InMyHeartJMKayne 💚 ctto: Bro. @earl_liam17

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  • Joined Infracare on 12thMay
  • Did a Workshop for YFL Congress 2019 – Creative Writing Workshop in Abu Dhabi.


  • Delivered a talk to HFL Congress (my first time) – session 3.


  • Done my first ever HR Induction with Nepal & Uganda Group 1.
  • Delivered my first condensed TLT – Team Leads Training to our Team Leaders and Supervisors at Infracare. I made the slides and content from the scratch! ^^


  • BICSc LTP Training (License To Practice)


  • BICSc Assessor Training. Now LBICSc ! :)
  • Voice over recording for Simbang Gabi 2019 for SMC.


  • Infacare Annual Get Together – presenter of award for a crowd of a thousand or more!!!
  • Praise & Worship on 4 Oct.


  • Kokobear passed his driving! JHis success is mine too! Hehe
  • We bought our first car at () AED – on 25 Nov.
  • Completed probi and confirmed Infacare employee now. – 12th



  • Roasted my first Lechon Belly! Haha


For all of these, I praise God for everything. He has been my promise keeper and I know that he is never away.


Up to this date, one more story I’ve yet to complete. I know that I’m keeping them into my heart and will hopefully soon – in God’s perfect time, I’ll be able to freely share it to you (my handful of readers~~~ hehe THANK YOU very much!).


Hold on to His promises. He is listening and He knows what is best for us! :) 


I would love to see/read your yearend review too. What are you top 3 accomplishment this year? Comment below and let’s talk. :)


God bless!





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