Father, strengthen me when things are difficult…
Father, strengthen me when things are difficult…
I was watching Fr. Mike Schmitz video (https://www.facebook.com/AscensionPress/posts/10160029540150832) and it hit me hard that God didn’t promise us a rose garden free of pain and thorns.
Jesus said: If you want to be my disciple you have to DENY YOURSELF, TAKE UP THE CROSS AND FOLLOW ME.
Then our Servant General Tito Frank Padilla’s line during one of our anniversary videos re-echoed – We have to run to Jesus even if it will LEAD US TO THE CROSS.
Frustrations, disappointments, sadness, depression – everyone goes through this – but His invitation is please don’t be disappointed with God. Take heart, I have overcome the world – John 16:33.
Because God will be there. Trust and Hope in the Lord.
This is a note to self and to you who reading this post, who might be going through difficult season of your life, this is not the time to be dishearten, this is the time to RUN CLOSER TO GOD.
Today’s bible verse inspires us to STAY STILL.
But the bigger question is how do we stay still?
I too have the same question. Probably some of you who might be reading this would even say that, it is easier said than done… especially if you are truly in that trying times.
With this in mind, I tell myself nothing else but a reminder of this verse and the thought that God will never forsaken His servant and so I pray;
Keep me still Lord, even if I don’t even know how to do that.
Calm my heart and mind and lead me to your heart where there is peace.
In Jesus Name, Amen.
Stay STILL creative!
God bless,

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