LIEBSTER AWARD 2017 for #InMyHeart ♥
Yayyy! Is this actually true? aha! J
I’ve seen this award for a while, never thought I’d get one because I didn’t know how it works. But recently, I got mine from Shernice Oli of Dreams of a Wanderess thank you for nominating me Shenice! So kind of you! xoxo
It’s a great opportunity to get to know our fellow bloggers through this award. But before anything else . . .
What is a Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award is an online award given to new bloggers by other bloggers. “Liebster” is a German word that means “the dearest”. The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to recognize fellow bloggers for their work and excellence. The nominees/award winners should then pay it forward by nominating/awarding other bloggers they admire and follow. It’s a way to help newbie/not so newbie to build audience and meet fellow bloggers from around the world (or should I say from around the internet!) heheheh ^^
If you have been nominated for this award, and you CHOOSE to ACCEPT IT, then you have to write a blog about it and follow these steps:
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So, I’m all set to answer her questions below, check it out!
1. What inspired you to make your own blog?
I’m fond of writing diaries…So this blog actually started way back in college (2005/6) but I have done some changes, transferred some files and eventually kicked off in 2010. The reason I blog was at first by simply sharing my experiences online. Keeping it like a diary online. And then, late last year, I have this passion project to start a bit serious about blogging. These days, I still write like journal but more likely of an inspiration/idea/tips about the different stories #InMyHeart.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? And why?
HOME! I would still live in the Philippines (Cebu). I’ll keep it simple, it may sound cliche’ but indeed “There is no place like home”
3. What valuable lessons did you get from your travels?
3. What valuable lessons did you get from your travels?
4. What is your favorite travel destination?
There is quiet a lot on my bucket-list, but probably Seoul Korea is on top of that! I used to be an ESL (English as Second Language) Teacher for Koreans so I am always fasciniated with the place & been hooked to some of the Korean dramas! So it’s really my fave destination even if I haven’t been there yet!
5. What are your 5 favorite foods in that country you picked for Question #4?
Never thought I’d be a kimchi fan! At first it was like iwwww! But OMG, this is such a good food. Then followed by Samgyupsal, tuppukki, Samgyatang, Bibimbap and more!!! :)
6. What is your greatest travel achievement so far?
Being able to travel is already an achievement for me and for my husband … I am (we are) just #blessed and I am grateful for that.
7. What is your most important travel tip?
> To read about basic info of the places your about to visit.
> Respect their cuture.
> And most especially, live the moment! I know~ we could get so attached to our cameras/mobile phones for photos and updates but, “being there” and just feeling the moment is the most special thing.
> Respect their cuture.
> And most especially, live the moment! I know~ we could get so attached to our cameras/mobile phones for photos and updates but, “being there” and just feeling the moment is the most special thing.
8. What was one of the most unusual experiences you’ve encountered?
For now, I guess I have to leave this blank. Nothing so unsual yet. :D
9. What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?
None. Nothing so remarkable or stange — but a I guess the one we ate in a Chinese restaurant in Maldives.
None. Nothing so remarkable or stange — but a I guess the one we ate in a Chinese restaurant in Maldives.
Is this a fried chicken?!?
10. Where is your next destination?
WHERE TO NEXT? We’re planning on either Korea or Italy, while in the Philippines – it would probably be Bataan, or El Nido/Coron Palawan and more of Cebu!
Above picture is a great experience in Cebu, check out my blog about it on CEBU: Canyoneering.
While this one is in Puerto Princesa Palawan.
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Now, it’s my turn to pass it on and the new Liebster Award winners are…
The rules says: Nominate 5-10 blogs, but I’d say the more the merrier! :) So I am adding 2 more amazing bloggers! So check out my 12 winners!
Drumroll please . . .
*HOWS MY LIFE – This blog is from Monika of Hungary!
She started blogging to share her journey in life. After a life changing event she left Budapest for an adventure of a lifetime. In fact she calls this blog as her daily life on planet earth!
*LuLu4ever – It’s a joint blog account of Leiha and Su.
They thought that it sounded better to use LuLu than SuLeiha. They’re partners in taking an adventure together!
*RD Mathur – is a blog by Rajeshwar from India.
RD is short for Rajeswar Dayal , he is a retired banker turned traveller, photo enthusiast and a story teller.
*Chelfdom by Chelf of Greece
A blog of all things visually powerful, heavy metal sounds, glorious food and luxe minimalism.
She has this beautiful set of blog posts about fashion, beauty “How To” / DIY and more!
*Chirp Cheer n Chai by Pri and Aish.
It is a two girls (childhood friends) one blog about Thoughts, Art, Creativity, Cuisine, Dance, Parental Bonds, Travel, Life’s experiences!
*Sandra Myles by Mercyalice of Kenya.
It is her alter ego that writes the different stories of her life and the world through her eyes.
*Loosening the Chains by Krista of UK.
A blog about anxiety, depressions, personality disorder and all other lemons that life throws us. She’s one strong fighter of these disorders and I honor her for being open about it and being able to share her experiences and be an inspiration to others! You go girl! I’m praying for you!
*96 Milestones by Guenny of Portland (and Cebu as well).
The blog is about discovering places around the globe and baking sweets! The reason why 96 milestones is such a sweet thing, wanna know why? – you’d better check out her blog!
*Kristine’s Fashion& Lifestyle by Kristine of London.
A marketing manager who loves to explore her city and of other new places. She loves fashion & making youtube videos! Share me your youtube link Kristine!
She’s a 50 something Londoner who enjoys making the most of life. She’s observant and opinionated and she loves coffee like me! :D
*Makes, Bakes & Décor by Lianne of Skegness UK!
She blogs about many mouthwatering cakes, cupcakes, some DIY & crafts. She has started blogging only for 4 months and yet her haven already rocks! She started the blog as a step to her business plan. You can make it Lianne!
These are my questions for you:
- Who inspires you to start a blog?
- How do you find blogging in general?
- Share something about your city that you’re proud of
- Does your family & friends know about your blogging life? How do they react?
- What’s your best travel experience so far?
- What’s your top 5 bucket-list places to visit
- What’s your theme for this year (Or do you have one?)
- When you feel blessed?
- If you could only bring 3 items while travelling, what are they? (Except for passports & tickets)
- What destinations have you visited and surprised you?
💚 Congratulations for receiving the Liebster Award! Don’t forget to send me a link to your posts. I’m thrilled to see all of your answers. 🙂 Thank you once again Shernice!

So glad to receive one! #InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog just got a Liebster blogging award!
Now it’s your turn!
Wanna be nominated? Send me an email on [email protected] or message me on my blog’s Facebook page – In My Heart – JM Kayne’s Blog and I’ll gladly nominate you! :)
God Bless!
Share you thoughts :)
Jeric Urbayo
Well done! Keep blogging and inspiring! Here is my blog: