Concert Experience: Hillsong United Live in Dubai
Dubai, UAE: Hillsong United Live in Dubai!
Ticking off a bucketlist when the chance is at hand? Why not!?!
Right after hearing that Hillsong United is visiting the UAE this 2017, Kokobear and I decided to level-up praising God with this concert! It is actually one of our bucketlist! It’s a 2-day concert and 28th April just went soldout. So here we are on the 2nd day, 29th April – Saturday! Our transportation was arranged with fellow CFFL member, we rented a carlift and hit the road at 5:00 pm to reach Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium inside the Irish Village.
We arrived at quarter to 7, right in time when the gates opened. Sis Rose, Sis Dianne, Sis Mariel & Sis Vielinda of SFL were with us! But we have to part ways because we’re in the platinum area!
Here are a few of the songs they’ve performed in this 2 and a half hour concert:
- Touch the Sky
- Oceans
- Prince of Peace
- I surrender
- Let There Be Light
- New Songs: Beautiful Name, Even When it Hurts, One Day.
If I have counted it correctly, there were around 22 songs and every single one speaks directly to the heart. I have to mention too, that the in between prayers were as powerful as the songs! And one of the many is this:
. . . “Don’t just go to the church, BE THE CHURCH” – JD
Song after song, I found myself swept away. Memories of life comes flooding through my thoughts. I found myself having difficulty in containing the emotions especially when From the Inside Out was playing. I raise my hand, sang, shouted, cried, lifted my heart and of my pains, worshipped and praised God. Never did I expect an emotion so strong that made me feel every single word of the lyrics to be so full, soulful and meaningful at its peak! Such a spirit filled ambiance, I hear some people praying in tongues. Emotions? ECSTATIC! In Awe of how Great JESUS is!
Let me share some lyrics that have captured my heart and indeed pierced it:
“Every word u have spoken, I will not be shaken”
“A Passion worth living”
“Oh be Still My Heart, I know u are God, I know u hear my prayer”
“Spirit leads me my Trust”
Check out these few snaps we’ve taken during the event.

You can see more of our photos in this concert at #ByahengKokobears – Hillsong.
A #MustExperience and I highly recommend this concert to everyone!
God Bless!!!
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