
VW Series 001 – The SUN (Sunlight)

From VW Series Intro, comes series 001 – The SUN (or Sunlight)

Out of the original outline, I have personally came up with the concept of “how to take care a plant”… and thought of ways/words to compare it to the theme of being in a vineyard or farm. Questions like: how to make it grow? What will it take from being planted? to being pruned, rooted and eventually bear fruits…?

So I came up with these: the basics include the sun/sunlight, water, fertilizer and human. Praise God for guiding me and that I somehow managed to relate it similarly to the SFL Life verse from John 15.

This VW Series will now be focusing on these “remedy/cure” or ways on how to take care our own seeds: our spiritual needs.

Spiritual Need no. 1 : The Experience of the Healing & Empowering Love of God.


– Remedy –

SUN / Sunlight – aka GOD




According to the latest survey – churchgoers tend to decline in the recent years. Majority of Catholics would opt to be  “Sunday Christians” and thus try to make Sundays (or Fridays for our case in the UAE) a date with God. Sunday/Friday Christian – how about the others days of our lives? A challenge to all Christians then is –  how are we going to maintain this relationship and commitment to Christ?

As much as possible, being physically present in the church is important – but in the event that you aren’t able, these Youtube channel will get us through:

Sambuhay TV Mass – they publish Sunday masses and other important mass days.

JesCom TV: The Word Exposed. Cardinal Antonio Tagle breaks down the First Reading, Second Reading & the Gospel + some reflections. 

Both channels also help us to get ready & be prepared once we are in the church. As they both give us ideas and overview on the day’s readings. But then again – let us all try to be in church and not just a TV/laptop viewer.

/// #InMyHeart💚 – In our case, we do both. A Saturday/Sunday mass + Sambuhay/The Word Exposed. 



Aside from our daily morning “Thank you Lord for this new day” and evening – “Thank you for today Lord”… do we actually spend time talking to Him? Are we able to protect that time to be with our creator? I’d like to suggest to find a time:

  • At least start with 5 minutes a day.
  • Put an alarm if necessary.
  • Show up and set it as another date/time with God.
  • From 5, build up to 10 minutes… Don’t know how to start? Use the ACTS method.

A – Adoration , open your prayer with adoration to God. Say your words of admiration for Him. That “Lord you are Great, you are faithful, you are a great provider” and more.
C – Contrition , follow it with a sorry – asking for forgiveness of our shortcomings, say: “Father, I am sorry for the things I failed to do for your glory. For missing the Sunday mass, for not following your commandments” . . . etc.
T – Thanksgiving. This time say your gratefulness. “Thank you Lord for this life. For my job, for the good health of my family” . . . and so on.
S – Supplication. Finally – here ask for the things you hope to have. Pray what your heart desires. “Lord, help me to be a good Christian, build my faith stronger. May you allow me to see you in every person I meet”. Or you may go specific with things like our daily needs. “Father please provide us with our daily food, keep my family safe”. . . 

And simply close it with Amen or a Glory be  . . .

/// #InMyHeart💚 – the Daily Gospel is a must – it has been a habit every since I joined the community. My very first social posts on social media is always about it. I get them on these links:

Kerygma Readings and Daily Gospel.

Make this a habit. Make this a daily affair not just when we need Him.




Being in a community like CFFL (Catholics for Family & Life) or CFC-FFL gives us a constant session of teachings, reflections and retreats. It is indeed a blessing to be a part of this kind of family. There is joy in community life and there is a constant reminder of faith and love as we continue to grow in His vineyard.  So why not give community life a try?! :)

If you aren’t a member of a community yet – for sure our parish has some formation teachings – so why not grab that opportunity. Again, this one needs commitment for us to get nourished.,,, But if I am you – join CFFL :)

/// #InMyHeart💚 – I have been in the community for the past 8 and half or 9 years now and although it’s not one easy – bed of roses life – we chose to stay because we are patients that needs the Physician. In our early community days/years – we have literally followed the teachings by heart, even the hard ones. So far – God has been faithful ( I mean He is always faithful) – so probably _ I’ll just say and also  my constant prayer – is that Lord – may you see me and Kokobear faithful till the end of our days” Amen.





  • D2 – Listen to the Radio/Podcasts :
    • Podcast: Catholic Answers  
    • FM Station : Spirit 105.3
  • D3 – Websites/FB/Youtube Channels/Pages :
    • Website: Catholicism Series 
    • Youtube & FB
      • Kape’t Pandasal,
      • Ascension Presents,
      • Jescom TV,
      • CFC-FFL Fliq Media,
      • Live Pure/ LP Tambayan
      • One Billion Stories
      • Hugot Krisyano (Bisaya)
    • Pureflix (it’s a Netflix version of Faithbased movies and series)
    • and there are more to come… (Will keep this post updated.)
  • D4 – Books & Magazines
    • Tito Frank Padilla’s books: 40 days with Mary, Stories from Prison, Evangelization, 40 days of Servanthood, El Camino de Santiago, Fishers of Men and more.
    • CFFL The Vineyard Magazine (our Official Community magazine)
    • CCC (Book) – Catholicism of the Catholic Church
    • Why We are Catholic and other Catholic based books.
    • Of course – The BIBLE

/// #InMyHeart💚 – The above list are my personal list. 

All these will remain just an advise unless you ACT OUT! :) Staying connected with God requires us to be faithful in being under the sun/sunlight for us to grow.
He is the sun. So we must keep on being shined upon his grace & love. Always, everyday & forever.




God bless,








Share you thoughts :)