Hosting Gig @ St. Mary’s Church Dubai

This post is a month late, but still managed to finally publish it. :)
Sharing a little bit of this extra-ordinary/first time experience. <3
How many times do you get invited into hosting an event in church? Rare! I guess.
Mine came, on my birthday month. Originally I was supposed to host the Dress Like Mary Contest on 19 May but it was moved due to minimal participants. Relieved, I was happy that I don’t need to continue it because to be honest I don’t have a hosting experience in church. I wasn’t sure how to approach it, not sure if light, fun and jolly approach is ok.
Fast forward, community GA – Tita Merle and Sis Edz put me back to the hosting gig as a partner of LOJ’s host. Sis Yanna of LOJ has plotted to have “co-hosts” emcees for the main event of May Flower Festival on 31st May. This will be for the Sta. Crosan and Dress Like Mary. Obliged, I accepted it. Met Sis Yanna and Bro. Alkin to run through the program. Created a script and exchanged ideas. Didn’t have time to practice it so we decided to do it on site.

On the day, Koko and I were also assigned for the first 2 Hail Mary’s for the Living Rosary. So before heading to the main hall, Bishop Gremoli Hall. Bro. Alkin and I stayed for the first mystery and headed to the main hall.
The overall experience was new yet I feel fulfilled knowing that I’ve conquered a new field of hosting. If you know me, you’d probably know that hosting is one of my passion and so a part of me has sported my Toni Gonzaga/Pia Guanio stints. :) yeah! They are two of my models. ^^
I praise God for such gift He has bestowed in me. It’s always a pleasure and fun time for me to share my talent to others and co-hosting with a fellow faithful too. Bro Alkin (my co-host) from LOJ reminds me of Mikey Bustos (hehe don’t tell him, I guess he won’t be able to read this blog anyway). I was happy that he led the prayer before and after we started and ended our gig. It is always powerful to have an intercession whenever in service.
Finally, this one is for my memory box, a first that I will surely treasure.
Amidst doubts and feeling unworthy, God always re-affirm that he equips the unequipped. Share on X
Hosting Gig @ St. Mary’s Church, Mission Accomplished!
Thank you Lord for this opportunity.
For your Glory.

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