Updated Podcast List for 2018
JM Kayne’s updated list of Podcast for 2018 It’s time to update my list! In 2017, I shared this list of my top 5 favorite podcasts and this year, more podcasts have taken my attention. Here are new discoveries this 2018. Read on!
Magic Lessons by Elizabeth Gilbert Yay!! She’s my favorite writer. And no, not because of Eat Pray Love, but because of BIG MAGIC (Book). Everything inside it and all related to her idea of creativity just resonates the inner me. She speaks my truth in this book that I am totally in love with it. Also since I started binging her videos and books, I also landed in…
#FanGirlModeOn: Jennifer Garner movies
#Fangirl moment On! Let’s talk about entertainment!
Yeah, I am an Alias fan! If you’re a friend on FB or IG- you’d probably see me popping in some Jennifer Garner stuffs! Started swooning about this amazing lady since Alias days. And this year, as she kick some butts once again in her come back action movie Peppermint – I’d like to dedicate this blog post for her and the movies / TV series she’s into. Also it is my (“fangirl”) way of helping her promote #PEPPERMINTmovie which will be released tomorrow!
Are you a fan too? Let me know which movie/series you love the most. Comment below and let’s…
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Only a fan can relate :) CCTO: Alias Wikia and DouxReviews