
Leaving CEBU is one of the things that would really hurt me… Yet leaving Cebu also means living out my dreams… ♫♫♫ * * * Read More
  Categories : Abu Dhabi, JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , ,  26 Comments
Me in 2009 | At my back is one of Abu Dhabi’s 5* hotel – The Emirates Palace (UAE) New Here: Here I go!    Read More
  Categories : BlogLife, JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , , , , , ,  11 Comments

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  • The ItAlian SmoOthie Blog

    This is the real life of expat people. I lived 1 year in london and 6 in Milan. Not far like you but not with my family and friends anyway. Is not nice. Sometimes this like is sick but in the other way you learn a job and discover another place and style of life. Hope everything gonna be better in your job. Be strong! Kiss from Italy

  • One and Half backpacks

    Why did you choose to work in UAE? Was there any particular reason? :) Ye, but as Sid said, just few people know how hard it is to leave, you do the good thing for you and your future but sometimes it is paintfull :/ we did that with my boyfriend, we did not see our family for almost three years unti we came back :) so good luck, hope you have the best time of your life :)

  • Shasha

    I’ve always wanted to visit the UAE. That eight hour flight sounds intense! Was it difficult to occupy your time? I can only imagine how difficult it must be to leave your friends and family. However, I’m sure you’ll have some incredible experiences and it sounds exciting!

  • Megan B

    That was a difficult decision you made but I’m so happy to hear that you followed your dreams! Often it’s the hardest decisions that have the biggest reward and I hope that you find fun and happiness on your journey and that you surround yourself with those that make you feel at home. All the best to you!

  • lanaluu

    Congrats dear, enjoy your time in the UAE and your new work. Of course it is a little sad to be far away from home, but at the same you can find a new perspectives and opportunities

  • Candy

    Starting a whole new chapter of your life can be both exciting and challenging. I know how you feel about answering phones! When I first moved from Japan to the United States, I worked at a front desk answering calls and was so nervous at first :)

  • Jennifer M

    It sounds like even thougb you made a hard decision you are confident about it. And that is the most important thing. Good luck

  • Candace

    I am actually leaving my family to move to a larger city in a few short weeks, so I definitely understand where you’re coming from. However, there’s more money and opportunity, so a visit or vacation to visit them is always around the corner, haha! I wish you the best :)

  • Sheree

    I came to the states when I was 11 and don’t quite share the same amount of emotions as you did but you are so brave and courageous to leave your friends and family and follow your dreams. Wishing you all the best girl.

    xo Sheree
    Posh Classy Mom

    • JM Kayne

      Probably bcoz I have made solid friendship over the 22 years and so it was that emotional. But I’m alright now… it was a good year to look back. :)

  • marieanne

    Leaving your friends and dear ones behind in never easy. I’ve moved many times, all over Europe. Moving away is such a great way to discover yourself and also to appreciate your loved ones more. Good luck in your new adventure!

  • Chrissy

    Ever since I was young, I’ve been on the road, plane, and train for as long as I could remember. I do agree that it’s hard to leave your loved ones behind, but I’m always looking forward to creating new memories, meeting new people, and exploring as much as I can. :)

  • kumamonjeng

    Glad you have show your first timer experience in UAE. You have included so many details from the airport to your destination. I have enjoyed a good read, about UAE and your life :)

  • Evelyn Lo Foreman

    Congrats on this maiden experience, even if it’s years later!! Thanks for taking us with you on this pioneering journey. Your willingness to leave everything you know in exploration of life says tons about you. May you always find the awe and wonder in it all ❤️ Xo, Evelyn, PathofPresence

  • Devendra

    I still remember my first flight. I was moving to other city for work. It was just 2 hours flight. Luckily I got a window seat and I was just staring out of the window watching clouds around me. It was wonderful.

  • Susan Peck/Call To Excellence

    How neat to read about your experience of your first trip abroad, and your thoughts at the time, now that you are a seasoned traveler. I really admire the courage it takes to leave your home and travel to another country to work – you are very brave, but what an incredible opportunity to stretch and grow at the same time. And so cool to see the camels with the skyscrapers in the background :-)