Faith, To My Soldier
FAITH, To My Soldier
- Drenching tears on my face never thought I will be freed
- Astonished by so many, imprisoned only within this side, I heed
- Recalling those memoirs make me blue until fate …
- Revealed the real gift of faith!
- Embraced with your charm, here I see ,
- Loving someone so dear to me, thus allow me of who I should be,
- Listened to my howl, I was a captive of unrequited emotions,
- Eventually given liberty by the soldier, the angel awaited untied from illusions.
- Could this be God’s Gift, my plead,
- HIM, hopeful to spend life with this beloved.
- Acquired treasure worthless,
- Vanished -seat of loneliness for I have your gentleness.
- Enchanted, the whole world conspires,
- Zeal with love, passion & faith inspires.
ODW: 13 February, 2011 – Sunday

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