My TEACHERS, through these years . . .
They were my mentor, guide and model. As part of the Teaching Room, and because school season has recently kicked-off once again (in the Philippine setting/ summer now in the UAE). Setting aside the hustle and busy days of purchasing school materials and thinking of the current tuition rates… I would like to share the list of names of my teachers. Growing up I am someone who knows exactly what I want to be and so, these people are indeed important as I continue to mold my mind and heart. TEACHER; a superhuman individual producing miracles every single day. /// Funny story though; back in the early grade school years…
- BlogLife, Collaborations, Education, Lifestyle - Collaborations, Passion Project, Teach & Inspire, Teachers, Teaching
ROCKETSHIP: A Revitalized approach for a Quality Education
Take a peek into Rocketship Education is now up on #InMyHeartJMKaynesBlog | Read it on www.iamjmkayne.com
My Paradise
Photo from : http://cnu.edu.ph/cnuweb/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/CNU-Picture.jpg My Paradise ODW – September 2005 Lawaan National HighSchool – Lawaan Talisay-Cebu City * * * * * Alone, far from the façade of my paradise. Paradise of dreams to which some I have conquered. Some, I’ve left behind, And some, still hang all my desires. Will I be staying away from there forever? My mind has been restless Everything comes to my senses Holding and haunting me. Missing the laughter we used to share Reminiscing the moments Wishing and hoping for a past pace of events So I could…