• JM Kayne's Life,  Uncategorized

    K-Drama Resurrected 2016!

    Haha! I found this blog’s title a bit crazy! But indeed I have been michin (미친)   = “crazy” lately! Haahaha It’s been a while since I last watched a Korean drama – almost 8 years ago I have been really really hooked but it faded when I left the ESL World. Then this plan of going to Seoul probably switched that button on for me to once again watch these series. Below I enumerated the K-Dramas I have watched with a little background about it and the reason why I watched them.   I started with My Love from Another star and found myself playing one drama after the other.…

  • JM Kayne's Life

    TV Series Review: LOST

    TV Series Review | LOST It was 2005 when I last found myself crazy on a TV series called ALIAS… this has been my all time favorite that it took me another 5 years to move on & try another series… My family recommended LOST way back 2009 during my First vacation home… I spent the whole 2009-2010 with only 2-3 minutes glimpse and let it rested. Until I was back home again, vacation 2, this time I gave my time to it, played season 1 and found myself suddenly awake in the middle of the night thinking what’s on the island! Ha ha ha.. Now I am hooked! This…