16 Inspiring Quotes for Teachers
Sixteen (16) Inspiring Quotes for Teachers.
Allow me to share these quotes that have helped me cope up to the pressure of getting back into the teaching arena. In fact it has been 9 long years that I haven’t practice this very first passion of mine. Yes, you read it right, I am about to embark once again the journey of this humble profession of teaching.
I searched the internet, looked for books, asks fellow teachers on all the new trends and methodology of educating the young minds of today and indeed they’ve all delivered. But what has captured my heart are those inspiring quotes I’ve encountred during those journeys.
So, allow me to inspire you as well with these quotes.
Those who know, “DO”, those who understand “TEACH”. – Aristotle
— InMyHeart – JM Kayne (@jm_kayne) August 29, 2017
2. #OnWhatMATTERSThe best thing about being a teacher, is that it matters. The hardest thing about being a teacher, is that it matters every day.
– Todd Whitaker
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3. #OnGivingYourBESTTeachers inspire you to be your best by giving you their best.
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A Teacher affects eternity, no one can tell where his/her influence stops.
– Henry Brooks Adams
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A Teacher who loves teaching will teach a child to love learning.
– Teacher Lauren Ritter
Tell me & I’ll forget. Show me & I may remember. INVOLVE me and I’ll understand.
– Chines Proverbs.
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The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains, The superior teacher demonstrates, The great teacher inspires. . . . #iamjmkayne.com #TeachingQuotes Share on X
The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains
The superior teacher demonstrates
The great teacher inspires.
In learning you will teach, in teahcing you will learn.
– Phil Collins
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10. #OnLEARNINGTwice
To teach is to learn twice. - Joseph Joubert #iamjmkayne.com #TeachingQuotes Share on X
This one is simple, but ROCK!!!

A good teacher is like a CANDLE; it consumes itself to life the way of others. - Mustafa Kemal Atatürk #TeachingQuotes #iamjmkayne Share on X
The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration, our work is only limited to our own perspective.
– Robert John Meehan
My father used to write this on the back of our door using a chalk. never thought it was quoted from the bible. I realized that only after being immersed to the church & community life and of knowing Christ more through CFC-FFL or CFFL UAE. Btw, I write for our community mag, check out the latest stories and sharing of our brothers and sisters – it’s called CFFL – The Vineyard Magazine.
15. #OnDRESSINGUpAndPuttingAShowI forgot who is the one who said it, but I heard this quote from one of the Podcasts I listen to called Teacher Tactics. Do you listen to podcasts? Here are my top 5!TEACHING is after all a form of showbusiness, you put on a show for your students and it is a part of it.
(Taking about on lessons, dressing up & other activities)
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16. #OnBEINGHUMBLEThis is a personal favorite of mine, a reminder quoted from the bible.
Do you have another inspiring quotes about teaching and/or education? Comment it below! :)
Hope you enjoy and be enspired with those quotations because I surely have!
God bless us all!
Share you thoughts :)
JM Kayne
Thank you! Please comment your favorite teaching/education related quotes too! :)
This is great. I have a teaching interview this week. I can’t wait, feeling more motivated than ever now!
JM Kayne
Good luck to that Steph! You can nail it, God bless!
These are such inspirational quotes! I truly appreciate all of the hard work that teachers do. I definitely remember specific teachers I had throughout my life that shaped who I am today. Without them, we would be nowhere!
~xo Sheree
These are all great quotes. I really love the first quote : Those who know, “DO”, those who understand “TEACH”. – Aristotle
I have so much respect for teachers because it’s so true that you have to understand the subject to truly teach it to others:)
I work as an English teacher in Spain. This list is great and inspiring. I love the one about “involve me and I’ll understand.” Experiential learning is so important!
Teachers are some of the smartest folks around. They help train our youth to become whatever they want in life! I’ll have to share these quotes with my aunt and uncle who are both teachers :)
Style&LifebySusana (@stylelifesusana)
These are such great quotes. My favourites that resonate so much with me are number 5 and number 16. This is such an inspiring post! Thank you for this x
I love these quotes, Kayne. My mom is a teacher so I totally understand these. “A Teacher who loves teaching will teach a child to love learning”. This defines my mother so well, and that is what a teacher should do…Great post, Kayne :)
JM Kayne
A salute to your mom Jane!
These are some fantastic quotes! It reminds me of my days as a teacher. :) x