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Kayne Series (Vol. 5) – #AtoZChallenge2018

Kayne Series Volume 5 – The #AtoZChallenge2018
Disclaimer: Before seeing a few blogs who did this #AtoZChallenge, I personally have seen these pages (the photo above) from my personalized magazine (make-my-own) where I created this A-Z list. Actually it has been my practice ever since I became an ESL Teacher. In fact I have used this strategy as well during my first one-on-one sessions for my CLS/HH members. :D

Athena | Basketball | Car | Diary | Education | Fantasy | G-mik | Height | Internet | Julie Mae | Kayne | Letters | Mtv | Novels | Ouiting | Paris | Quiet | Relax | Singing | Tash | Ur105 | Vj  | Work | Xinsei | Yuck | Zoo


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The above A to Z was my list way back 2004-2005, I guess I made it during my late CNU days. Before posting this, I have made a new version of this #AtoZChallenge for 2018.

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What has changed?
What’s the difference after a decade?
What are the things/people/concerns that  I am into compared to 2005 vs 2018? (13 years later)
Does some of these letters (items) still capture my heart after all these years?
Read on and learn in this new #KayneSeries!
  • Artistic

    True to my theme this year: Passion Projects and Breakthroughs 2018 #PPBreakthroughs2018 – I would like to become more ARTISTIC in all my endeavors. I wanna express that side of me who wants to be an artist in my own way. Be it be in my blog life, in community, in  my passion and more. I hope to be better in this journey of an artistic life! :)

  • Bread and Butter

    It’s been almost 1 year and 4 months since I last worked and lost my bread and butter. I have to say I miss it so much now. But I trust that God has a better plan for me and I’m so excited what He has instore for me! bring it on J!

  • CFC-FFL or CFFL in UAE

    Community life has always been a part of my journey since 2009 and up to this day, I am a proud member of CFC-FFL or CFFL in UAE. It’s been 9 years now and with all the ups and downs of the community life, I remain truthful to my covenant, with God’s strength He will provide and He will keep me going. Amen!

  • Dado (Papa Glenn)

    I love Papa! Family is love. It is because of him (and Mama) that I am who I am today. :) Honoring him and my mom at all times. Hello Glenn Dacalos Bacus, I love you Pa! <3

  • Europe

    The countries in Europe is on my bucketlist! Who doesn’t have it? :) Italy is on the top list, followed by Paris, Switzerland, Germany, Spain and more! Hopefully very soon I will get to tick off at least one of them.

  • Faith

    This is being tested every now and then. Way back then, I thought I had enough but the more that I learn about it, the more I learn that there is more need to seek about this. Seek God deeper.

  • Grey

    That’s the name of our newest family member. My very first nephew. Glenrey aka Grey!

  • Health

    Late Feb this year when I have to do a breakthrough about my health and somehow bcoz of that I am now trying my best to be mindful of that part of my life.

  • Interior Designs

    I am currently into beautiful interior designs – binge watching/looking for ideas that sparks interest and could possibly apply it into our lil abode. I always enjoy IKEA’s tiny rooms but Pinterest has been giving so much inspo too!

  • Jesus

    What a beautiful name it is. In His name, I trust. I am a #Missionary247 #CyberMissionary for Jesus’ glory. I am a Proud Catholic and so I have shared this guide for the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about this faith. Let the Bible answer your questions.  Read: I am CATHOLIC.

  • Kokobear

    My love. My Darrelle (awww! Cheesy here,  but true! hehe )

  • Life Verses

    This is a new #PassionProject I am creating this year. Watch out for it very soon my on YouTube Channel. :D

  • Mom (Mama Julie)

    Simply because she’s my mother. I guess the more you get older the more you appreciate the people in your life. Hi Julita Hortelano Bacus! <3 Saranghae uma!

  • New Place: Dubai

    I may be celebrating my one (1) decade in the UAE, but most of it 99% of it is in Abu Dhabi. This year, Kokobear and I embark into a new place – DUBAI! Our version of Dubnation! We look forward to new discoveries, new learnings, new challenges that God wwill through our ways. For we believe God will provide and He will straighten our paths.

  • Organizing

    Been going through some organizing mess! haha Actually I have these so many things on my head that required prioritizing and organizing. So many ideas, passion project goals and to do! I know for sure what to do with it, its just that I love the feeling and though of being so busy (on my head) thinking this and that,,, while I am still out of the real world job. I will try to organize them very soon. Wish me luck! :D

  • Passion Projects

    This year I call it a year of #PassionProjects and Breakthroughs. I would like to dedicate a few blog posts about this very important topic. I believe that we all have to do such creative side projects or hobby that would allow us to simply destress and enjoy doing it with out pressure. Here is the first installment post that I made to open this year. Read: Why Start a Passion Project?


  • Quitting

    Last year (2017) I quit doing something I really love. I thought quiting is a weak person’s move. Yet quitting lead me to bigger plan that God has made.  Always make a point of offering such decision to God. I trust that He would let things happen for a reason. If you Google quotes about quitting, it usually shows you a “Don’t Quit” quotes – here’s my version to it:

Quitting” is a –Quiz –Using the –Intelligence of God’s perfect –Timing.
  • Risks

    As I move forward to my 33rd year this year – I thought that the more that I am open to taking risks. Job choices, life decisions and others. I just pray that whatever risk I take – the Lord will bless these actions.

  • Stories

    This year I have re-opened my WattPad account ang thought of writing more stories. Since this year is my year of Passion Projects, working on new stories or publishing old ones is one of my projects. I hope to finish at least 5 this year, maximum 10. Get updates and read my stories on #WattPad_MissJMKayne. Hopefully I will get a time to work on it and move forward to more! Fingers crossed! :D

  • Teaching

    My first and forever number one passion. I may not be doing it now, but I am always a teacher at heart. Of course I don’t go far, at the  moment I also have an ongoing Passion Project under “brainstorming stage” where I will be teaching something online. As of today, the details are not yet ready to be divuldged. I will definitely update you once I hit the ready button :) In the meantime, get a glance into my TEACHING Room online. 

  • Unity

    To be united in whatever aspect in life: family, faith, love, team, community is so important. It is the backbone of a successful, loving and faithful unit of the society. I know it’s a tough call – but if only we unite for the better cause of life. I bet things will be better.

  • Video making and editing

    Currently preparing my video editing skills for my #PassionProject to do some YouTube videos soon. :) Its for my #IAmACyberMissionary series for Life Verses. Watch out for it very soon.

  • Writing

    I’ve shared in my past blog posts, that this skill is my weakest and for me to polish it, I have to continously learn and study. It’s one of the very reason why I am into this blogging because I’d like to work better on this. In fact, my IELTS scores will show that among the 4 skills :) hehehe Writing – although I passed – is still the lowest score that I have. I am a work in progress. I claim no “pro” status in this field even if I am the Editor-in-chief of The VineyardMagazine. So, here I am, trying my very best to build my writing life better than ever. Hopefully I could someday claim that I am indeed in a next level! :)

  • Xoxo

    Favorite and shortest way to express kisses and hugs! Hahah never thought that this actually mean something until I learned what it is! For those who might not be familiar yet,,, X means kisses while O is a hug! ^^ 

  • Zeal

    Zeal is a characterstic that we usually feel whenever we get ourself into something really interesting. Zeal for Love, Zeal for God. Zeal could be a another word for Passion. Right now I have this Zeal to take this online life into a higher level. I hope to someday become someone who I looked up to. People or entreuprener who have made life and business through their online presence. 


Interested of doing the same? The CHALLENGE is so easy, do your own #AtoZChallenge on your blog too!
Just tag me on that post… and use that hashtag AtoZChallenge2018

Simply take a paper, maybe on a notebook (or on your blog itself ) and start writing your A to Z)

Alternatively here’s a freebie worksheet for your to use.



BLOG SERIES: #KayneSeries


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