Gratitude Journal with a Twist!
Do you love writing journals?
I do! Or shall I say, I did!
My favorite TV show back in my High-school days was G-mik and Roni/Ronalisa (You’d know who she is if you are a fan… curious? this is her IG) used to write diaries. So as a teen and a trying hard writer (been really trying hard ever since… 🤣 hahaha) I took my own space and started writing diaries! Oh by the way – it was also in High school that I read Anne Frank’s The Diary of a Young Girl – that inspired me to start the journalling too!
Fast forward 2010 ~ 2011 – I found myself less “emo”, so I started to drift away from this habit. I guess social media came and a love life too. ♥
So somehow my “me time” and my Dear Diary moment started to vanish. Until it was totally out. But, I still hoard notebooks of different shapes, size, designs and colors. I guess the teacher in me – still sinks in whenever I am in a bookstore/stationary shop. I feel like I’m at home – I’m in my haven! :) A part of me still have that “diarist”/journalist soul!
Anyhow – I have started to make a new way of writing journals. As I continue to embark this “creative living lifestyle” I found that a habit I’ve “paused for a while” is worth keeping! – that is – – –

Having a notebook to write your thoughts, ideas and even keeping a Gratitude list!
Now, this post is about that GRATITUDE JOURNAL. . . .
(with a twist! – as the title says! hehe)
I started creating a journal or list of THANK YOU/GRATEFULNESS. The first entry went pretty well.
Day 2 – Another good one.
Day 3 – Still good
Day 4 /5 /6 /7 /8 – – – I suddenly started feeling like – oooppppsss!
What happened?
My list has become a copy and paste . . .
Then I heard in one podcast that I love listening – Happier by Gretchen Rubin! That keep at least 3 rather than just blurting out a looonnng list. Stay very specific and recognize even the smallest things that bring you joy!
So Let’s say:
Today, I am thankful for:
- Person – For that smile from a baby I met in the metro.
- An Achievement – For today’s safety travel.
- Something small – For that smell of a coffee that boosts my mood!
If you think this is the twist – – – well, not yet!
As I continue to explore podcasts, articles, blogs and other TV/Youtube shows on creativity, business, productivity and more – I landed on Marie Forleo’s Marie TV!
She once had a guest that describes similar habit/practice – but instead of simply writing the easy one (even if small and specific) – the guest mentioned that it is better if we take this into a step higher . . .
He said, how about you write 3 things you are grateful in a “different perspective”.
Today, look at life on the other side of the coin.
Write 3 things that brings you stress, worries or something that is not positive. Oppppsss! Stay with me! The twist is here!
Let’s say:
Today, these things bring me a not so good moments:
- A Difficult Person at work/home/community (be specific) – he/she wont see this diary anyway.
- A bill I missed to pay.
- I was late at work/ for an appointment
Now, let’s do the twist!
Today, these things bring me a “not so good moment” BUT! On the other hand I learned to – – – (Make them BOLD or underline them on your journal to emphasize that these are the one you are GRATEFUL for and not the stress/negativity.)
- For Example – John – he was difficult but I learned to extend more of my patience.
- A bill I missed to pay – I missed to pay this because I haven’t keep it on my notes/calendar/reminder list. So I learned to take note and mindful about it.
- I was late at work/ for an appointment – I learned to set an hour or 2 to make sure to be on time.
Vary your list on day to day basis. This exercise will allow you to be mindful of looking at the positive side of the story. Most of the time, we focus only on one side that we fail to see the brighter one.
If one day, you find yourself not having any negative moments – then no need to make it with a twist. Go the simple way by just writing what is positive.
This is just an alternative.
Which I personally love and so I am sharing it!

Stay positive.
Be blessed and be God’s blessings!
Share you thoughts :)
Love, Sawyer
I love the idea of a gratitude journal. I tend to do most of my journaling in my head but I think it’s awesome to think of things that cause you stress along side the things that made you happy. It’s important to keep the scales balanced.
I have always loved writing in journals, but never really thought of making it that of gratitude. I hope I get better at this, thank you for sharing with Us xx
I liked the point where you mentioned to take the positive from everything that is happening. I have tried it and it helps reduce the unnecessary stress we usually take.
Susan Peck/Call To Excellence
Love this idea! I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal for over a year, and I try to come up with items that are unique to each day, but some days are very routine and it’s become a bit stale – I really like the idea of focusing, not so much on the negative, but on what I learned or how I grew because of an experience that I wouldn’t otherwise be grateful for. Thanks for this idea to reignite my gratitude journaling!
I adore the twist.It’s like finding the silver lining in the cloud.I write thank you notes but thus will be a different perspective