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The story behind The Great Pursuit

The Great Pursuit -

Lately I have been into serious difficulties in sleeping on time. To those people who know me well, I have a sleeping alarm at 9:45 PM but for almost a year now this has been a struggle. I often sleep past midnight and for quiet sometime I had moments when I literally sleeps at 10-11 AM in the morning!!!

I have to say though that during these mornights (morning+night) or dawn if we use the correct term, I’m in constant battle of thoughts and ideas that sprouts out of no where and the story behind the F4 and victorious activity we had last Friday in CFFL Dubai was a fruit from those sleepless nights.

Even before area planning I already have this idea of a semi-Extreme Adventure (SFL Abu Dhabi days) to apply it for our brethren in Dubai and my creative genius to whom I call Lala (This is another creative blog to share later on…) has been throwing this and that ideas into me. So in the middle of tossing left & right while Kokobear is asleep (and snors! haha don’t tell him I shared this! :D – lol as if he doesn’t read my blog! ) I stood up opened my computer and started plotting the stations and ideas. Usually the year opens up with Evangelization Rally for our brothers and sisters to be reminded of the Great Commission. So I used both talks and incorporated it in some stations. Also, as early as November/December 2018, our Servant General Tito Frank Padilla has released this year’s theme:


As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.- Joshua 24:15

And so Stations 1-10 have been completed in one mornight!

Although it wasn’t completely polished then, but the whole set-up and overview has been conceptualized. Then come November 2018 for Area Planning when the body agreed to create a fun and different version of a new year opening/ first GA. I opened that I have this idea and it seemed pretty acceptable to them. But I didn’t get the chance to actually see them the plan because it’s on my laptop. I was not sure if it will be a go…

Fast forward January, I have presented the whole plan and explained step-by-step the process to the team. Thankfully everyone were game and willing to help. I am blessed with supportive household mates! Thank God! :D

I love all stations and took a lot of photos + videos. Here’s the Cheer Me Up part for Station 1.

And more clips that I combines during the whole event. Something like an SDE – although I didn’t edit it on the same day.. haha lol

Of course I had moments of doubts and I wonder if this will go right, if people will actually join the activities. If they will be game and willing to look crazy and do all the hassles of moving one place to the other and more nega things… But! But for the past months that I have shared inputs and ideas and doubts creep in, I pushed harder and have a thicker skin in presenting the idea and end up hearing positive feedbacks. So I reminded myself – this too shall pass! Personally I enjoyed the activities and I do hope that my brothers and sisters also had their own share of that FUN-FAITHFUL-FELLOWSHIP-FRIDAY! #F4.


The Great Pursuit is engaging ourselves to pursue our CALL to EVANGELIZE, our personal CALL to know HIM more and our call specifically for this year for our HOUSEHOLD/FAMILY (by blood and by faith) to SERVE the LORD.


It is amazing to see your vision to come full circle and become a reality and I praise God for that chance to share these ideas to others. May He be praised at all times.

Are you one of those who attended this GA? What’s your favorite station and what have you learned or discovered about yourself or our brothers and sisters during this activity?

I’d love to hear from you and please feel free to share this too others too! :) I would truly appreciate that.




In everything that we do, may we do it for Love. 1 Cor. 16:14.

Stay blessed and be God’s blessings!













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