This Year’s Theme: Keep Creating 2019
2019: New Year’s Battlecry
For a while now, I’ve been trying to come up with ideas and concepts for my 2019 theme.
⚡I’ve recently completed Shonda Rhimes’ book – Year of Yes and inspired that I could also have it for 2019, making it as my year of YESes… but a part of me wasn’t that convinced.
⚡Braver2019 also came up as I’m follower of Arriane Serafico of The Purposeful Creative. But the word braver doesn’t really echo in my heart…
⚡Then comes Clarity, Consistency and Authenticity. The triad of values a creative must have! ⚡💫 ✨. Although I want all these 3 words, I am still in search for something simple yet a real flagship of what’s #inmyheart and mind.
I’ve come across this amazing video and has been inspired, it’s for all creatives and artists too:
Then all along, I have been so much into this word that even a shorter term/ syllable/s of it brings joy and happy thoughts. Fireworks of ideas, colors and concepts entertains my mind and I feel like I’m in love with it! 💞 hahaha
Marie Forleo, one of my inspirations, model and thought leader continuously say that we are what we think of ourselves. Our thoughts manifest who we become. Therefore it’s best that we keep our mind with positivity and reframe our mind with the things that we want to invite into our lives.
Finally after a long while, I went back reading a few pages of one of my favorite creativity book – THE BIG MAGIC, I found the answer and my official battle cry/theme for 2019! Inspired from these lines which actually brings me to tears! Nope, I’m not over writing here – it really happened. I struggle a bit in coining what I want to look forward to this year and even pushed this blog post after a week and 2 (days to be exact! :) ) and Big Magic is simply the one who can clear it out! I feel like my soul is the one saying them. So much of my truths are literally brought to life in this book and I can’t just stop appreciating it. Here’s an excerpt:
… I also want to live the most vividly temporary life that I can be.
I don’t just mean physically but mentally, spiritually and intellectually.
I don’t want to be afraid of the bright colors, or new sounds, or
big love, or risky decisions, or strange experiences, or weird
endeavors, or sudden changes or even failure. . .
I am going to spend as much as time as I can creating delightful
things out of my existence, because that’s what brings me awake
and that’s what brings me alive.
– Liz Gilbert, Big Magic
So, without any further ado, my theme for 2019 is:
This year, I’d like to manifest more creativity into my life. The Creative Passport is close to its completion and although it’s not officially released yet my commitment to it remains. Aside from this project, I’m also incorporating more splashes of creative lifestyle, more projects and hopefully I’ll be able to bring forth these things within the year to come. Inspired from FLIQ Media’s hashtag on creativity #DivineSpark, I would like to bring God honor with my creative side and keep touching with that spark in me.
Our GIFT, and sharing it to the world is our responsibility. Not sharing it would be a big sin. A touch of creativity, a touch of His Divine Spark! 
Lastly, this time aside from all the GOAL setting list of to dos, I’d like to create another version of the theme or battle cry of the year by adding an answer to this specific question:
💚💚💚 I want to feel that I am CREATIVE, I’m HEALTHY and ABUNDANTLY BLESSED financially and in all aspects in life. 💚💚💚#KeepCreating
🥂 Cheers to a fun, creative and abundant 2019! 🥂
Stay blessed and let’s all be God’s blessing to others.
Share you thoughts :)