2021 Review – #CreateAndInvest2021
Hello Creatives!
Took me a while to publish this. But here we are in 2022. Although I’ve published a few blogs this year already – I’d like to give this recap. aWe’ve moved to another chapter of our life, another 12 chapters in 2022.
This pandemic made us feel that the days, weeks and months have past by real quick. And for sure you feel it too that everything feels so fast. That people around the office are just so busy. Families has their own schedules. Hectic schedule of parties, dinners and get-together.
Personally, I’ve been thinking and planning to sit down and crave for some me time or reflection time… but I don’t know how to start. Really been procastinating in the last weeks of 2021. But hey, I still believed that I’ve made progress.
Little, tiny steps are still PROGRESS!
* * *
Although I’m unable to go into details, here are some of the highlights of twenty-twenty-one:
✨ Invested (in different aspects of life) ✨
2021’s Theme is Create & Invest 2021.
- Finances – Saved. Deposited in my COL a couple of times.
- Brain/Read/Write/Listen – Audiobooks, books, magazines.
- Faith – Bible readings, Bible in a Year podcast, personal prayer times…
- Health (been going to the hospital consistently… no no I’m not very sick – its a routine and a new thing to address to.)
- Friendship – tried reconnecting a few old friends.
- Kokobear & I – time spent together… not a perfect one, but definitely a learning curve as we celebrate 7 years of marriage.
- Creativity – purchased an Ipad & Apple pen to learn artworks. Started drawing some stuffs on Procreate.
✨ Read Books / Listened to Audiobooks. – Paid for Audible and Headway! ✨
Haven’t made the book reviews though, but here’s rundown of the books read/listened to in 2021.
- The Pumpkin Plan
- Steal Like an Artist
- Choose to Win
- The Artist Way
- How to Train your Mind
- The Creative Life
- Earth is Hiring
- Mindset
- Choose Wonder over Worry
- You are a Guru
- The Four Agreements
- Etc…
✨ Consistently made contents for JM Kayne on #JMTV. Although our followers have been stuck to 820+. ✨
Contents both personal, resto hopping for the EATventures with the Kokobears, KusinaNiKayne and UAE/Dubai contents and more. Monetizing may take some more time because we still have to catch up with the Views/Watch Hours and the
✨ Vacation in Cebu – May 2021. ✨
Blessed to be able to spend time with family amidst this pandemic. Able to cross all the protocols at home in the Philippines. Quarantine Days was also fun even if I’m stucked int he four corners of my hotel room.
Check out these contents in Cebu:
✨ Creative Life ✨
Completed my Faith, Hope & Love painting.
Creative many Canva slides, posters and other graphics. Not only for In My Heart, #JMTV, #MFCDubai calendars, posters and invites but also company – Infracare employee communications banners, psoters and photos.
– – – I know there is more but it seems that I lost the chance to write them down. Will update this blog once I remember. 😉
Below guide questions comes from one of the creatives I follow and I’d like to answer them like a Q&A type.
- What went well this year? Health, Thank you Lord.
- What didn’t go well? Health, faced a little bump, but still thankful because God gave me a miracle.
- What went off-course? What goals did you hope to accomplish but didn’t make happen? Health. Didn’t loose weight. :(
- What piece of art, movie, or book really inspired you this year? Mindset (book) – it is a refresher for me but its good to read/hear it again and remind myself to have a Growth mindset on days when I feel low, discouraged and just not myself.
- What was the best meal you had this year? Awww! Kokobear’s food! 💕
- What was one memorable experience you had with friends or family? Going home in Cebu. Spent time with family, Mamo, Dado, Dan2x, Yvette and my nephew Grey! Beach days and the daily meals we shared.
- What did you try this year for the first time? Investing/paying for apps that helps me develop my productivity.
- What community are you a part of right now that you find most nourishing? MFC! Missionary Families of Christ. This community is the most nourishing. Received teachings, deliver talks, has 1:1/2:2 and more spiritual refills.
- If you had to articulate a word or mantra for next year, what would it be? “Manifesting . . .” will explain this in the yearly theme blog post.
There could be more, but I’ll keep this short and sweet.
God bless you Creative!

Share you thoughts :)