Migraine 101: Symptoms, Treatment And Key Facts
(c) Pixabay - CC0 Licence * * * Migraines are a medical condition that are often very little understood by people who don’t suffer from them. For many people, the assumption is that a migraine is just like a headache, but worse. While there is a grain of truth in that belief, it’s far from the whole story. Below, we’ll go into some of the less well-known facts about a condition which may affect as many as one in four households worldwide. What is a migraine? A migraine is a period of illness often marked by a severe headache, usually confined to one side of the head. The headache…
His Generosity ~ Matthew 20:1-16
Whenever I hear this being read in the Sunday or daily Gospel readings, this brings me back to 2009/2010 when I fell into the evil trap of being envious. If you have read this bible verse, you’d know that in this story, the landowner was hiring different people in different timing and yet have given all the same wage at the end of the day. So some of those who worked from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm called “foul” comparing themeselves to those who started working at 4:00 pm and yet get the full wage at the end of the day. True, we all go through this situation in…
Meaningful DIY Gifts for Family and Friends
Can’t think of a gift to give your loved ones? Why not make your own? DIY gifts are fun to make, and they show how much you love your family and friends. Read here to find out the best one for you. Nothing better expresses our love to our loved ones than a handmade gift. In a time of instant gratification, pouring time and effort to create something to give to those important in our lives is a great testament of care. Be it birthdays or holidays, making a DIY gift is a fun activity that’s sure to make the receiver happy. Why DIY? If you’re not too proud of…
L&D : Training Related Books
Learning & Development (L&D) : Training Related Books Sharing a few books and a short review of each for HR L&D professionals. This will also include other references that an instructor/trainer could use for his/her contents. Deliver Great Training Courses in a week – by Martin Manser The Talent Assessment and Development Pocket Tool Kit – by Brenda Hampel & Anne Bruce Managing Performance through Training & Development – by Alan Saks & Robert Haccoun Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go – by Beverly Kayne & Julie WInkle Guilioni Revolutionized Learning & Development – by Clark Quinn The Art and Science of Training – by Elaine Beich Design…
Transcript | Journal With Me on #JMTV
Heya Creatives! Sharing with you the script I made for the vlog: Journal with Me on #JMTV. Hi Creatives, Another day another vlog… Today in JMTV – Journal with me. Journaling sounds like a new thing over the internet – but in fact this practice has been carved into history and humanity, thousands of years ago! Journalling is a beautiful way to ‘slow down’. A lot of creative and thought leaders have used this tool to unload, create and brainstorm though the process. In the earlier video I shared on Why I Write and one of them is to write just to relax and record the changes and happenings…
🌿 My Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Plant Name is . . .
Hey there creatives! ✨ This isn’t a blogpost, instead this is only a video recap of my new Fiddle Fig Leaf Plant. :) Bought her on June 6 2020 in Al Warsan, The Gover and over the past few weeks I asked your help to name her. I did it via Youtube Live Stream via #JMTV. This is a series of video recap where I did a Silent Live Stream twice and the last one reveals her name! :) Video # 1 Help me “NAME” my new plant 🌿 (Silent LS) Video # 2 🌿 IT’S TIME TO VOTE FOR MY NEW PLANT’S NAME (Silent LS) …
Shepherd The Shepherd (STS) Servants Teaching REPLAY
This post is a specific page for all the REPLAYS of the Servants Teaching (Online Series) of MFC-Dubai called Shepherd The Shepherd (STS). REPLAY: Session 2 | STS-LPG 2 Living as one Body REPLAY: Session 1 | STS – Stronger Faith Subscribe to Darrelle’s Youtube Channel for more teaching replays (Elle Studio) More MFC (CFFL) & FaithTopics here.
- #KusinaNiKayne, About Life, BlogLife, Creative Curiosity, Creative Living, JM Kayne's Life, JM TV (Youtube Channel)
Creative Accountability for JM Kayne #JMTV
POSTED Today || 13 May 2020 (via LinkedIn, Twitter & Facebook) 2018 Nov – I’ve announce that I’ll work on #KusinaNiKayne vlogs + #TheCreativePassport online school… and hey… that’s exactly what I’m doing now :) https://youtu.be/qJJfg2vr5_c #CreativeCourage2020 * * * Been trying to arrange and organize #JMTV and found this old video (above) way back November 2018 when I practice something I learned from the many creative gurus to do “accountability” by announcing my intention (publicly) or to the universe so that those who follows me (or someone who cares) would probably asks me for updates and get me accountable of whatever project I’d like to do. Honestly,…