SCG3 – Serve with Perseverance
CFFL 3rd Senior Core Group (SCG) (To be published on #TVM12) You’re so “maingay!” (You’re so noisy!) – I shouted these words to the fellow attendees during a “crucial” start of a team game that we played for the 3rd SCG at St. Paul’s Church room FFO2. Then I heard the crowd laughing! I was focused; I was on a game face and turned on my leadership skills. Our target is to beat 2 minutes and 47 seconds to accomplish the task at hand. The crowd starts to speculate what the game was all about. Group 1 – did it in 7 minutes Group 2 in 3 minutes Group…
Reposted: In my mind I was lucky, #InMyHeart I AM BLESSED!
Reposting this sharing (witnessing) that I have submitted to CFC-FFL Fliq Media. This was featured in one of the sharing walls of WSC 2014. “ I’m Okay, I’m good. I pray, I do good things to others. My life is beautiful! I am lucky! ” These were my statements all my life back then… Life before getting to know Christ deeper was actually satisfactory and typical. I go to mass, I pray the rosary, do novena and indeed I was a regular Sunday Christian. All the aspects of my life were pretty in good shape; a great loving family, an amazing set of friends back home, finished school, able to…
Evangelization Rally: A Spiritual Re-Charge!
It’s been a while since we had a break in our weekly household & all for the yuletide season & as an Opening Salvo for the New Year here’s Evangelization Rally as an opener! So here are some of the captured photos of this year’s Spiritual Re-charge! 2012 Personally, it’s a very helpful session for me. It allows me to reflect & bring myself back to the true raise of life! May this year be as fruitful as last year! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
We Will Overcome : Strength in God 2011
We Will Overcome : Strength in God 2011 So GREAT; Exhausting yet Uplifting! This is how most people who attended SIG Conference yesterday feels. The long travel, the hassles of waking up early, the preparation & all have been dragging, but at the end of the day, we all are so filled with vibrancy, zealous & love! Blessed as we say, for being a part of this community & for being chosen to take part of this experience. This conference was held in Flora Creek Hotel, Dubai UAE, it was opened with a rosary. Morning Session was taken care by the Northern Emirates (Dubai & Sharjah),…
Triangle Diamond & Heart
Triangle Diamond & Heart : A KFL’s Friendship Night 8 Sept. 2011 Hotdogs, Chips, Ice cream, Spaghetti!!! Some of the perks of joining this activity seemed to be so interesting for the kids! 13 KFL, 7 boys & 6 girls joined together in this 2nd time event for a sleep over! Although quiet a while these group of kids have known each other, this night allows them to demonstrate their affection to their friends, and have shown it in a special way. Let me tell you how, in a while… The night starts with teaching of action songs; (SFL) Tito Pong played the guitar & practiced 2 songs while…
Chosen One
Chosen One Surprise surprise! The girl who struggles to become a part of her university school paper & was rejected many times with her entries is now “The Chosen”. How grateful & blessed I feel, hearing my name picked to represent for FLIQ Media (CFC-FFL’s Media Ministry). As of now I am savoring the moment & currently trying to refresh my mind with the writing stuffs “to do”. And at the same time I have continued making a new website, a blog of the same kind that focuses on CFC-SFL – UAE… Below is the link: http://cfc-sfl-abudhabi.webs.com While facebook link is still the most active, I am encouraging every member of CFC-FFL UAE…
Letters to God – A KFL Special (The Parents are out & the children are IN!)
LETTERS TO GOD – A KFL Special Event: Mini KIDS Assembly Date: 10-11 February 2011 Venue : Tito Bonnie/Tita Weng’s House The Parents are out & the children are IN! This weekend (11 March, Thursday Night) is scheduled for their Parents’ Marriage Encounter Retreat. So this time the kids are IN for a short Retreat too, we call it KIDS’ Assembly. It’s an overnight event, 5 kids or shall I say almost youth + 2 toddlers with 5 of their Ates & Kuya from the Singles for Family & Life ministry. Brother Darrelle, Sisters Amie, Ash, Lou & yours truly were assigned to be their service…
When I first arrived here in Abu Dhabi, one of the things I have written in my diary was to achieve something about my spirituality. I went to a church here… and a part of me had this feeling of “dejavu” the place was sooooo familiar. Along the bible studies I have learned how to communicate with GOD, though I have been with him, since he is my best friend… but in every Friday 11AM session I have gained something…But somehow fate leads me to another group, still for Christians… They are the CFC-FFL… Couples For Christ, Foundations for Family and Life. Here I met mostly couples and few of…