JM Kayne's Life,  Lifestyle,  Passion Project

Why start a Passion Project this 2018?

Passion Projects, what are they?

Over the past few months of 2017,  I’ve been flooding my Instagram about #PassionProjectSeries and this one is one of the many items that I’ve curated to dig deeper into this term and explore this idea!

But of course, let me define what Passion Project is.

Passion Projects or PPs are projects that are outside your daily job. These are your personal creative side projects that gives you excitement & allows you to appreciate life. It is what you do to somehow relax and yet contribute on your own simple way.

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These photos below are 3 of my intro methods for this blog post.

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Arriane PP -


To get it a clearer view of what #PassionProjects are; one of my favorite Creative Entrepeneur – Arriane Serafico of The Purposeful Creative Podcast wrote these samples of what a Passion Project could be:


A Blog, a DIY Project, a Challenge, Organizing an event or just getting out of comfort zone!  Or maybe polishing a skills you always love! ♥ 


Now, without any further a do, let me share my personal top 5 reasons to start a Passion Project!


#1 – A reason to wake up in the morning 

For sure, we all have every reasons to wake up and get excited every morning. It could be our work, our love life or an exciting activity that we are about to attend. But how about taking a #PassionProject and waking up in the morning having the reason to work for it because you love doing it! 

#2 – A Stress reliever 

In the midst of busy 8-5 schedule, flipping pages of books or browsing FB & IG are the common things to do. Having a Passion Project allows you knit, draw, create, write, run, jog, walk, smile or do something that you love. Taking out the pressure to yourself because what you are doing comes from the very core of your being. No matter what the result of that piece you are working on, you don’t owe anyone an explanation or no responsibility is required. That project you’re doing is a personal expression & thus it de-stresses you. I’ve also read that doing Passion Projects could bring us to our “state of flow”, in positive psychology it means the state when a person is performing an activity fully immersed, energized & enjoying the process of the activity.


#3 – Another identity of a deeper “You”

When someone asks us, “What do you do?” – our common default answer is to answer what we do for a living, what is our work to be exact. Yes it all happens to all of us and we all answer in unison about what’s our job.

How about if you answer that question in the context of what do you do as a PASSION PROJECT? Maybe the correct question is, what else do you do? Here comes our answer related to our gifts, talents, skills, our simply a passion (even if we aren’t perfectly well versed with that – but you love doing it.) In this way, you are allowing someone to know you more than the “you” as an employee. An identify sometimes left hidden when we don’t share our passion to others… during these moments, you are opening yourself to another dimension of YOU.


#4 – Build up & Polish your Talent

While working on your Passion Project, you get to discover many things about yourself. What you truly love and enjoy. How are you when you’re relaxed, what  excites you, how your patience works and most of all, along the way you’d discover that this project (whatever you have chosen to do) has allowed you to harness or your talent and skills. You build up yourself by putting your heart and passion into what you are doing and thus, you are polishing your God-given gift!


#5 – Who knows someday, this Passion becomes a Profit!

Over the past few months that I was literally a “stambay” (stay at home – unemployed wife) I have divulged myself to many things that allows me to broaden my view about life. I enrolled in an institute where I studied about HR, created more than 10 blog posts and gained more acquaintances in some blogger networks and I have also attended some online productivity, creativity & passion related courses. On these days and months, a thought of mine ( from personal experiences and the lessons learned) keeps popping up “Profitable Passion” – this is mostly from Arriane Serafico  – she’s the Creative entrep/coach of BraverGoals & of The Purposeful Creative.


So, what if your Passion could actually lead you to your own destiny of leveling up and taking your passion into a business? Who knows, someday… 


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These are just 5 reasons I could share of, when you scout the net they’ll give you plenty more! So what are you waiting for? Start one now and nourish your soul.

Do you have a current #PassionProject? Share it on the below comment. :) I’d be happy to hear your amazing ideas!


Oh by the way, my 2018 theme revolves around this and I will share it very soon.


Finding your passion isn't about career & money, it's about finding ur #AuthenticSELF. The one you burried beneath other people's need. #OnPASSION #iamjmkayne Share on X




God bless!



Credits to for the cute numbers :)

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