My One Word for 2021 is – – –

Before answering this big question from Amber Rae’s email newsletter, I would like to answer as well her New Year Journaling Invitations and at the end of this blog post, I will tell you what that word is.
RELATED: Journalling Blog related to Amber Rae
Here are my answers:
A. What did you discover about yourself in 2020?
That after all these things, it’s only Christ who can hold us. Faith, Hope and Love remains. I discovered that I’m indeed strong. That I enjoy working from home.. haha althought I also get bored at times.
B. What are you leaving in 2020? Claiming in 2021?
Leaving negativity (a constant battle though), leaving toxic people (Need some courage to do this soon) and claiming 2021 with abundance and more creative endeavors.
C. What is the most important lesson you learned this last year?
Family is the most important thing after faith. That true “faithful” continue to serve and give even when it is difficult.
D. How did 2020 change you?
Became a plant mom. hehe and hopefully a real one this 2021. ^^
E. How do you want to feel in 2021?
I want to feel generous, creative, faithful, healthy and loving!
F. What will you regret not prioritizing in 2021?
Health. Family. Career. Business.Baby! -.^
G. What does your soul want to create this year?
- Release The Creative Passport Workbook,
- Write & complete the L&D Book,
- Paint More
- Reach 1K Youtube subscriber, complete 4K WH and start earning from #JMTV
- Family vacation
- Make @shopjmkayne stable
- More!!!
H. In a word or phrase, what’s your intention for 2021?
Now, it’s time to reveal my one word. This 2021 – my one word (as part of the phrase/theme) is
* * *
2021 will be Create & Invest 2021!
Don’t get me wrong, its not just the financial thing – invest in my health, faith, family, career, Learning & Develpment, finances and more. I will continue to practice creative courage in all my activities and “invest” time, love, emotion, money, self-care as needed in the things that I would like to do this year.
I’m curious, what is your 2021 word?
Stay blessed and safe Creative! :)
Share you thoughts :)