Abu Dhabi

  • About Life,  Abu Dhabi,  Faith


      Blessed! Today I cried… my heart out!   Opppsss.. don’t get me wrong. I cried my heart out because – I am being soooooo blessed by God. A whole week of hectic schedule, stressful tasks of the office. Short convo with family. Limited bonding with Kokobear because of the many tasks that God has given me.    Today I hosted Mission Weekend’s Bond of Sisters. Running, coordinating, taking photos & videos, greeting old, unfamiliar and new faces of the community. The glow in the venue exudes as we all flash our smiles to each other.  The crowd was fun and cooperative. Such a light tone of teaching. Fashion Show…

  • Abu Dhabi,  JM Kayne's Life

    < Flash back: Living in the world’s RICHIEST CITY!!!

    Leaving CEBU is one of the things that would really hurt me… Yet leaving Cebu also means living out my dreams… ♫♫♫ * * * Photo from : http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/the_abu_dhabi_brand_rich.php It didn’t take long after giving my CV to my cousin in the UAE, that soon, I left GEOS and my family in the Philippines.  September 25th I left Cebu at 6:20PM for an almost 8 hour flight to Doha Qatar… On the plane and while in the airport, everything was first time. On my head I  just wanted arrive directly in the UAE and not to go through the process where people have to send me off, for I believe it…