
  • Lifestyle,  Work

    I’m in LOVE! Office Valentine’s Day Ideas

    Yes! It’s that time of the year already. The day we celebrate the hearts 💚  day! My previous blog about this topic was more about its history. 14-February. This time, let me share something different. This idea just suddenly popped-up into this “currently-less-creative-mind” (been busy with other stuffs) lately when I started thinking about Infracare’s Engagement activities. Oh by the way! If I haven’t already, with the new development and changes at work, I’ve been given the task of initiating Employee Engagement activities. While we had a short hiatus at the end of December and the whole of the new year (Jan 2022) due to the surge – a month…

  • Faith,  JM Kayne's Life,  Uncategorized,  Work

    When Prayers become a hit!

    18 March 2016  Here comes my own testimonial of how powerful PRAYERS are! I am saying “PRAYERS” because I am referring to the collective prayers of the people who have heard my plea.     I delivered a talk on Loving thy neighbor in one of the CLS a couple of weeks back and on that event, I closed my talk by asking the participants and the service team to pray for me for the struggle that I have been seriously dealing with, related to this commandment.     When Prayers become a hit! Indeed, (after the talk) – a week had passed without a sign of that struggle I shared to…