CFFL #TVM21 Released!
#TVM20 – Editor’s Note – It’s that time of the year once again! CFFL UAE ECHO CONFERENCE hitting the sands of the Emirates! Yes, if you’ve noticed, our first entry/issue in the past 2 years has been released on March in-time for the national event. Followed by June – the anniversary event and the third one is on November for during the Pastoral visit. From 4 issues we’ve reduced to 3 issues in order to release them in time for our UAE-wide gatherings. In this issue, we start with the overview of our theme this year #FamiliesOnMission with Tito Frank’s write up. Of course, some sharing on community activities, the…
#KusinaNiKayne: KayneChi (Kimchi)
#KusinaNiKayne:KayneChi KIMCHI sa KusinaNiKayne FIRST PUBLISHED ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2017 *** You will need: 1 medium napa cabbage salt 1 tablespoon grated garlic (5 to 6 cloves) 1 teaspoon grated ginger 1 teaspoon sugar 2 to 3 tablespoons fish sauce 1 to 5 tablespoons Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru) radish peeled and cut into matchsticks 4 scallions, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces Instructions Part 1 – Preparing the Cabbage Slice the cabbage: Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores. Cut each quarter crosswise into 2-inch-wide strips. Salt the cabbage in a large bowl, massage it with your hands ( you may use gloves) until it…
DIY – H&M Wedding Gift Idea
Hello! It’s not what you think it is… Nah~ it’s not about that clothing brand… :D hehe Last year (2018) two of our brothers and sisters have tied the knot. One is from Abu Dhabi and the other is from Dubai. Of course gift giving is a way to congratulate the couple and although we can always head to the store and buy these items, Kokobear and I prefer to make it more personal. So I scourge Pinterest and took some creative ideas. :D And of course, it didn’t disappoint. Here’s what we decided to go for. Basically, we bought the frames from IKEA, gathered some photos of the couples…
#KusinaNiKayne: Squash and Kale Salad
#KusinaNiKayne: Squash and Kale Salad * * * We’ve visited a cool cafe that offers this type of salad and we loved it so much that we recreated our version of this hearty ♥ autumn feels salad. You will need: Squash (1/4 cut of a large size squash – cut into cubes) Kale (2-3 stalks of leaves) Pie nuts (a handful) 4-5 Sun-dried tomatoes sliced Peta cheese How to prepare it: Cut squash into cubes, you have two options in cooking it: you can either boil it till it becomes tender then fry it without oil. Alternatively, you may bake it in 15-20 minutes in 180 degrees celsius.…
9 Stellar Tips for Your First Trip to Singapore
If you are a fan of southeast Asia or are looking to plan a trip there, then one of the most fascinating and diverse destinations that you can visit is Singapore. It is an island country that has a lot of offer all different travelers from families, to couples, and solo trippers. It is a pretty high-tech city too, so you will see travelers and business people alike. Plus, with it being a city (and a great travel hub), it can be a good place to visit if you have only a few days or something like a 24-hour layover to spare. If this pretty futuristic city that really is…
FEBRUARY 2019 | Blog post RECAP
FEBRUARY 2019 | Blog post RECAP We have 12 stories shared for the love month! :D Here’s a summary of these blog post. 💚 What Causes Creativity https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/what-causes-creativity/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: Chicken Breast ala Rogelia https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/kusinanikayne-chicken-breast-ala-rogelia/ 💚 Team Outside for Pope Francis visit in the UAE https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/team-outside-for-pope-francis-visit-in-the-uae/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: Escabeche https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/__escabeche/ 💚 #KusinaNiKayne: Chocolate & Strawberry Cake https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/kusinanikayne-chocolate-strawberry-cake/ 💚 22 Feb | Dubai So Far . . . https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/22-feb-dubai-so-far…/ 💚 Deaf Expo: It’s a Deaf Thing on 5th Oct 2019 https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/deaf-expo-its-a-deaf-thing-on-5th-oct-2019/ 💚 Reversed Bucket-list https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/reversed-bucket-list/ 💚 Book Review: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up (#KonMari) https://www.iamjmkayne.com/2019/02/book-review-the-life-changing-magic-of-tidying-up-konmari/ 💚 JANUARY 2019 | Blog…
#KusinaNiKayne: Kayne’s Salad #1
#KusinaNiKayne: Kayne’s Salad #1 FIRST PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2017 *** No time to prepare dinner? or a snack? here is a quick Salad #1. You will need: 1 cucumber 1 carrots 1 apple (red/green) a handful of rocket spinach Peta cheese How prepare it. Cut all ingredients in cubes (or in any artistic way you want to cut it :) ) Mix all of them and add enough amount of peta cheese Enjoy! Happy Cooking! JM Kayne @ #KusinaNiKayne
What Causes Creativity
I’m a big believer that everyone is creative! “Everyone Can be Creative”…therefore in this blog post I’d like to share what causes creativity. Creativity stems in each one of us, into our very being. God has given us gifts in various forms for us to make the people around us happy, inspired and blossom as well to the kind of person they are destined to become. We give inspiration and we feed our souls (and the others) to do their own too. 1. CONFIDENCE The ability to question without fear, the ability to care for your art and what you bring out of it. 2. OBSERVATION Seeing problems and…