

Chosen One

Chosen One Surprise surprise! The girl who struggles to become a part of her university school paper & was rejected many times with her entries Read More
  Categories : JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , , ,  Comments Off on Chosen One
Forgiveness    No long version write ups today… Just a short note about Forgiveness. Last night was such a BIG challenge for me about “FORGIVENESS”… Read More
  Categories : Faith, Uncategorized  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , ,  No Comments
“To whom much is given, much is Expected”   Servant Leaders Meeting | 25th March 2011 Grand Flora Hotel, Dubai. Today marks another day of Read More
  Categories : Faith, Uncategorized  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , ,  No Comments
 LETTERS TO GOD – A KFL Special   Event: Mini KIDS Assembly Date: 10-11 February 2011 Venue : Tito Bonnie/Tita Weng’s House     The Read More
  Categories : Faith  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , , , ,  No Comments
TV Series Review | LOST Photo from: Patheos.com It was 2005 when I last found myself crazy on a TV series called ALIAS… this has Read More
  Categories : JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , , ,  No Comments
FAITH, To My Soldier     Drenching tears on my face never thought I will be freed Astonished by so many, imprisoned only within this Read More
  Categories : About Life, JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , , , ,  No Comments



When I first arrived here in Abu Dhabi, one of the things I have written in my diary was to achieve something about my spirituality. Read More
  Categories : Faith, JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   ,  Comments Off on REPOST: Faith
This vacation is almost over. I am happy and I am sad. Both feelings are now mixing here in my mind & heart.   HAPPY. Read More
  Categories : JM Kayne's Life  Posted by JM Kayne   , , , , ,  No Comments