My #LanggaSpeaks Podcast Hosts Interview – Uncut version
Sharing the uncut version of my interview with Jeric & Apple of Langga Speaks. Disclaimer – this isn’t the official release. The official version is on MFC Singles & Mission Studios FB page. Should the need to take this down arise, please email me at [email protected]. God bless you creatives! JM Kayne 💚
Marriage Tips for Newlyweds
Being married is one of the most beautiful experiences in life. It’s also one of the hardest. While there is no doubt that love can conquer all, challenges are bound to happen along the way. Newlyweds often face many challenges in their first year of marriage. It can be challenging to navigate, from learning to live together and communicating effectively to managing finances and dealing with in-laws. However, some essential tips can help newlyweds make the most of their first year together. Common problems of newlyweds The first few years of marriage are usually easy, but problems may begin to crop up as you start to get comfortable with each…
Four Places You Must Visit if You’re a Coffee Lover!
There are so many reasons why it’s essential to travel. It exposes you to new cultures and experiences that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Traveling allows you to learn about other people and their way of life, which can help break down barriers and misconceptions. Traveling can also help you expand your horizons, and it teaches you new things. It can be an excellent opportunity to learn about history, geography, and other subjects. And finally, traveling is just a lot of fun! It’s a great way to explore the world and see unique places. The world is vast, and you might not know where to start. So how about starting with…
10 Bible Verses on God’s Promise
Happy Easter Creatives! We walk in the three values we often hear. Faith.Hope.Love. In this blog, I have compiled ten (10) Bible verses/scriptures that will remind us of God’s promises. On days when we feel low, tired, or challenged, may these words strengthen us. I’ll start with the most favorite of all times. * Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. * Psalm 145:13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. The Lord is faithful in all his words,and gracious…
Tips in Starting a Fashion Brand
You’ve been dreaming about starting a fashion brand for years. But you don’t know where to begin. You want it to be perfect and successful, but fear of failure is holding you back from doing anything at all. You need some help in getting started with your dream project! Here are several tips for those who want to start their fashion brand. Be passionate about your creations. When starting your fashion brand, it’s important to be passionate about your creations. This will ensure that you put your all into your work and create pieces that you love. Additionally, being passionate about your brand will help to connect you with your…
7 Korean Restaurants in Dubai we’ve tried so far
If you are like me, who enjoys K-Food – – – for sure one of your first Google search in a new city would be: Korean Restarants in <insert city> ↵ and yes I did that here in Dubai or even back in Abu Dhabi circa 2009! hahah Now, over the past 3 years – Kokobear and I have done a handful of EATventures in these Korean food havens! For sure there are more so I’ll share an updated blog once the list grows. For now, here are seven of them. Making your search easy, I’m also adding their contact number and address. You’re welcome! 😉 Disclaimer: Some photos comes…
I’m in LOVE! Office Valentine’s Day Ideas
Yes! It’s that time of the year already. The day we celebrate the hearts 💚 day! My previous blog about this topic was more about its history. 14-February. This time, let me share something different. This idea just suddenly popped-up into this “currently-less-creative-mind” (been busy with other stuffs) lately when I started thinking about Infracare’s Engagement activities. Oh by the way! If I haven’t already, with the new development and changes at work, I’ve been given the task of initiating Employee Engagement activities. While we had a short hiatus at the end of December and the whole of the new year (Jan 2022) due to the surge – a month…
2021 Review – #CreateAndInvest2021
Hello Creatives! Took me a while to publish this. But here we are in 2022. Although I’ve published a few blogs this year already – I’d like to give this recap. aWe’ve moved to another chapter of our life, another 12 chapters in 2022. This pandemic made us feel that the days, weeks and months have past by real quick. And for sure you feel it too that everything feels so fast. That people around the office are just so busy. Families has their own schedules. Hectic schedule of parties, dinners and get-together. Personally, I’ve been thinking and planning to sit down and crave for some me time or reflection…