JM Kayne's Life
After the Hiatus
After the Hiatus – or before, this is what it was . . . It’s been 40 days (and a day) since I left Facebook for a soul-searching or an offering for the Holy week, I call it a sacrifice. I also gave up soda during those days and this is a public confession. The Cola Challenge I took a few sip in 3 or 4 occasions over the 40 days – I think I did it at least 5 times?!?. The oily/yummy viand signals your mind that it is so good to take even just a sip is indeed a challenge. I struggled and felt guilty – but the good thing…
10 Things that make me happy
This post is another series of my TGIT – Thank God, It’s Thursday, #CountedBlessings series where I am enumerating ten (10) things (people/event) that make me happy! I know, I know – that it’s not Thursday but somehow, I feel the need to actually write this post because I feel I am blessed amidst the challenge that I am going through right now. So, let’s jump right into it and let me write those things real quick. Family & Loved ones – ones that never fades The smell of rain – I know, but it rarely rains in Abu Dhabi –though rain sometimes makes me melancholic but it brings memories…
LIEBSTER AWARD 2017 for #InMyHeart ♥
Yayyy! Is this actually true? aha! J I’ve seen this award for a while, never thought I’d get one because I didn’t know how it works. But recently, I got mine from Shernice Oli of Dreams of a Wanderess thank you for nominating me Shenice! So kind of you! xoxo It’s a great opportunity to get to know our fellow bloggers through this award. But before anything else . . . What is a Liebster Award? The Liebster Award is an online award given to new bloggers by other bloggers. “Liebster” is a German word that means “the dearest”. The Liebster Award is a way for bloggers to recognize fellow bloggers for their work and excellence. The…
Hello Cebu! Surprise!
Surprise!!! As of writing, it is 5:15 am, Manila time – 6 Jan 2017. I am currently in the boarding area for my connecting flight to Cebu. This is an unplanned vacation which will surely bring a surprise to my family. I have kept this secret for a month now, and only a few of my friends know about this. I hope no one spilled the beans :) . Yes, it’s connected to the blog I recently published about losing a job, read the story here. Our original vacation schedule is supposed to be April 2017, in time for my in-law’s wedding. But as I have shared on that…
The Fear of Losing Jobs
As many of you know, I am an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) – one of the so called “Bagong Bayani”. I am in Abu Dhabi UAE for the past 8 years and 2 months (never thought I’d go this far…) Like many OFW I have gone through the ups and downs of this life which many of the people in the Philippines especially those who haven’t been abroad don’t know, understand and realize. It pains me to hear and see family, friends and relatives (or even Facebook friends who are not that close) thinking that someone who is abroad is “rich”, that money is effortlessly gained. That if “naka-abroad…
2016 – Year-End Review
Another year is about to close and a New Year is about to unfold. I struggled how to structure this year’s year-end review that it took me only 2 days before 2017 to complete it. Thanks to Arriane Serafico! – a new personality/mentor I have followed for a while who has inspired me in some ways. She has given this worksheet where I could easily use to complete my 2016 year-end review. So, in this post, I will divide it into 4 major topics as I look back what this year has been according to the worksheet guide. 3 Things I’m Most Proud Of Accomplishing in 2016 This year, aside…
Social media has highlighted many #RelationshipGoals photos and videos. In a recent blogpost from one of the bloggers I follow – Kryz on ThirstyThoughts , she wrote an open letter to the millennials… inside that blogpost are beautiful photos of her, but then what happens behind the scene is something not many know. . . which makes a superficial/shallow #hashtags of #WhateverGoals! In this blog post, I have asked some friends of what are their #RelationshipGoals (in all aspects) many have seen it but only 2 brave souls were keen enough to give me a respond. So here are 3 #relationshipgoals + explainations (I have added mine too.) Read on! #1.…
Another 8! – My Blogging Journey so far . . .
My Blogging Journey so far . . . If not because of LinkedIn, I won’t remember that during this month (November) in 2008 right before I arrived in Abu Dhabi – I have started my little steps to the world of blogging. . . . It has been 8 years! . . . To date, I still enjoy doing so. Five (5) years ago I dreamt of having my own website during our SFL DISCOVERY WEEKEND – 2011 activity. I wished to use – but it has been taken already. This year I come to realize that it culminates that five (5) year plan we had in one of…